[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
羅艷卿  ♀
Law Yim-Hing
拼音: luó yàn qīng
Lo Yen-Hsing,  Luo Yan-qing,  Lo Yim-Hing,  Law Tai-Hung

影視作品 / Filmography (1948-1988)
  演員 / Actor (1948-1988)
    五鼠鬧東京(上集) / Five Rascals in the Eastern Capital (Part 1) (1948)    
    七劍十三俠 (三集) / Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords (Part 3) (1949) ... 紅衣女 / Lady Knight Red-Garbed
    七劍十三俠 (上集) / Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords (Part 1) (1949) ... 紅衣女 / Lady Knight Red-Garbed
    血滴子(上集) / The Weapon, Blood-sucker (Part 1) (1949)    
    方世玉火燒紅雲寺 / Feng Shiyu Burned the Red Cloud Temple (1949)    
    洪熙官血濺柳家村 / Hung Hei-Kun's Big Brawl at the Lau Village (1949)    
    蜀山劍俠 / Swordsman of Shu Mountain (1949)    
    拷打紅娘 / Beating the Matchmaker (1949) ... 崔鶯鶯 / Tsui Ang-Ang
    陳世美不認妻 / Chen Shimei Betrayed His Wife (1949)    
    七劍十三俠 (下集) / Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords (Part 2) (1949) ... 紅衣女 / Lady Knight/Red-Dress Girl
    血滴子(下集) / The Weapon, Blood-sucker (Part 2) (1949)    
    真假方世玉 / Fang Shiyu and His Impersonator (1950)    
    人海萬花筒 / Kaleidoscope (1950) ... / 5)
    關東小俠大戰女鏢師 / The Battle Between a Brave Lad of Guangdong and the Girl Bodyguard (1950)    
    江湖廿四俠 / The Twenty-four Brave Ones (1950)    
    峨嵋飛劍俠(下集) / The Flying Sword Hero from Emei Mountain (Part 2) (1950) ... 周輕雲 / Chow Hing-Wan
    白眉毛三戰白菊花 / The Three Battles Between White Eye-Brows and White Chrysanthemum (1950)    
    方世玉大破白蓮教 / How Fong Sai-Yuk Shattered the White Lotus Gang (1950)    
    峨嵋飛劍俠 / The Flying Sword Hero from Emei Mountain (1950) ... 周輕雲 / Chow Hing-Wan
    江南八大劍俠 / Eight Swordsmen of Jiangnan (1950)    
    五福臨門 / Five Blessings in a Row (1950) ... 羅卿 / Law Hing
    大破銅網陣 / Solving the Copper-netted Trap (1950)    
    七劍十三俠 (四集) / Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords (Part 4) (1950)    
    陸阿采 / The Story of Lu Acai (1950)    
    七劍十三俠 (第六集) / Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords (Part 6) (1950)    
    大刀王五血戰小霸王 / The Bloody Fight Between Big Blade Wong Fifth and the Invincible Kid (1950)    
    方世玉父子報血仇 / Fang Shiyu and His Father's Revenge (1950) ... 李玉蘭 / Lee Yuk-Lan
    崑崙女俠血戰燕子盜 / The Battle Between the Heroines from Kunlun and the Swallow Thief (1950)    
    少林七俠五探峨嵋山(下集大結局) / Seven Shaolin Heroes' Five Ventures into Mount Emei (Part 2) (1950) ... 柳迎春 / Lau Ying-Chun
    少林七俠五探峨嵋山(上集) / Seven Shaolin Heroes' Five Ventures into Mount Emei (Part 1) (1950) ... 柳迎春 / Lau Ying-Chun
    玉面霸王大戰野女郎 / The Battle Between the Handsome Master and the Wild Girl (1950) ... 女霸王雪蝶 / Female Knight Suet-Dip
    火燒少林寺 / How Shaolin Monastery Was Reduced to Ashes (1950)    
    崑崙女俠夜探摩天嶺 / Kunlun Girls Spies on Motian Peak at Night (1950)    
    花街慈母 / A Good Mother and a Hooker (1950) ... 陳媚芳 / Chan Mei-Fong
    七劍十三俠 (第五集) / Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords (Part 5) (1950)    
    崑崙女俠夜探摩天嶺 / The Heroine from Kunlun Spies On Mo Tin Peak At NightF (1950)    
    關東小俠大破蓮花陣 / How the Young Heroes of Guanghong Shattered the Lotus Militia (1950)    
    三打祝家莊(上集) / The Three Sieges of Zhu Village (Part 1) (1951) ... 扈三娘 / Wu Sam Neung
    女俠黑牡丹 / Black Peony, the Heroine (1951)    
    方世玉正傳 / The True Story of Fang Shiyu (1951)    
    雷電追風劍 / The Lightning Sword (1951)    
    珠海三雄 / Three Heroes of Pearl Sea (1951)    
    花木蘭 / The Story of Hua Mulan (1951)    
    紅衣女俠 / Heroine in Red (1951)    
    千金小姐丫環賣 / A Young Lady Sells Her Maid (1951)    
    百戰神弓 / The Brave Archer (1951)    
    崑崙三劍俠 / Three Swordsmen from Kunlun (1951)    
    無敵連環鏢 / Darts of Fury (1951)    
    風塵四傑 / Four Valiant Ones (1951)    
    飛刀李鳳嬌 / Lee Fung-Kiu's Flying Daggers (1951) ... 李鳳嬌 / Lee Fung-Kiu
    關東飛俠大戰方世玉 / The Battle Between Fang Shiyu and the Flying Hero of Guangdong (1951)    
    大破連環寨 / Shattering the Chain-linked Stockades (1951)    
    大刀王五浴血殲仇記 / Big Sword Wang Wu's Revenge (1951)    
    三打祝家莊(下集) / The Three Sieges of Zhu Village (Part 2) (1951) ... / Wu Sam Neung
    寶劍定五龍 / A Sword Against Five Dragons (1952)    
    大話夾好彩 / Believe It or Not, It's a Stroke of Luck (1952)    
    傻仔洞房 / The Fool on Honeymoon (1952)    
    呆佬拜壽 / The Dunce Attends a Birthday Party (1952)    
    新金葉菊 / Golden-leafed Chrysanthemum (1952)    
    虎膽英魂 / Soul of the Tiger (1952)    
    一曲鳳求凰 / Song of Courtship (1952)    
    歌唱碧容探監 / Birong Pays a Visit to Prison (1952)    
    歌唱新美人計 (不愛江山愛美人) / The Beauty Plot (Beauty to Country) (1952)    
    萬花錦繡 / Like the Splendour of a Myriad Blooms (1952)    
    生包公夜審奸郭槐 / Judge Bao's Night Trial of the Wicked Guo Huai (1952)    
    傻人艷福 / Girls Favour Fools (1952)    
    真假歐陽德 / Ouying De and His Double (1952)    
    春宵醉玉郎 / Intoxication on a Spring Night (1952)    
    方世玉肉搏洪熙官 / Duel between Fang Shiyu and Hong Xiguan (1952)    
    我結婚十年 / Ten Years of Marriage (1952)    
    楊乃武與小白菜 / Yang Naiwu and Xiao Baicai (1952)    
    觀音兵 / The Young Lady's Escort Army (1952)    
    女俠白蓮花 / White Lotus, the Heroine (1952)    
    艷曲醉郎心 / The Sensuous Singer (1952) ... 周淑芬 / Chow Suk-Fun
    如花美眷 / Beautiful Matching (1952) ... 胡玉湘 / Wu Yuk-Sheung
    朱門紅淚 / Sad Tale of a Wife a Rich Household (1952)    
    歐陽德大戰飛雲僧 / Ouying De (1952)    
    黃飛鴻血染芙蓉谷 / Huang Feihong's Battle in Furong Valley (1952)    
    蠶蟲師爺 / Wise Guy (1952) ... / Ma Man-Hing / Hing
    浩劫紅顏 / Her Perilous Adventures (1952)    
    楊乃武與小白菜(大結局) / Yeung Nai-mo and Little Cabbage: The Trial of Yeung Nai-mo (1952)    
    歌唱光緒王嘆五更 / Emperor Guang Xu's Nocturnal Lament (1952)    
    歌唱方世玉打擂台(上集) / Fang Shiyu Challenges the Boxing-Stage Champion (Part 1) (1952)    
    大卿里少爺 / Mr. Country Bumpkin (1952)    
    嬲緣 / The Mismatched Marriage (1952)    
    十月芥菜 / A Ready Lover (1952)    
    笑星降地球 / A Comet of Laughter Lands on Earth (1952)    
    歌唱方世玉打擂台(下集) / Fang Shiyu Challenges the Boxing-Stage Champion (Part 2) (1952)    
    賣花得美 / Romance of Flower Sale (1953)    
    生娘唔大養娘大 / Honour Your Foster-Mother (1953)    
    賣花讚花香 / Flowers for Sale (1953)    
    銀海笙歌 / The Very Best From Show Biz (1953)    
    同人唔同命 / Not All People Have the Same Fate (1953)    
    蘇乞兒復仇記 / Revenge of Beggar Named Su (1953)    
    群雄威震龍鳳山 / The Kung-fu Gathering at Longfeng Mountain (1953)    
    黃飛鴻義救海幢寺(下集) / How Huang Feihong Redeemed Haitong Monastery (Part 2) (1953)    
    風流天子 / Playboy Emperor (1953)    
    慈善紅伶歌唱大會串 / Opera Star Special (1953)    
    黃飛鴻義救海幢寺(上集) / How Huang Feihong Redeemed Haitong Monastery (Part 1) (1953)    
    粉蝶鬧香城 / The Hell-Raisers (1953) ... / Tse Bing-Ying
    碧海狂僧 / The Mad Monk by the Sea (1953)    
    春宵一刻值千金 / Joys of Love on a Spring Night (1953)    
    璇宮情侶 / The Jade Hall Lovers (1953)    
    張天師遇鬼迷 / How the Ghosts Trapped Master Zhang, the Ghost-Killer (1953)    
    俠士名花 / The Swordsman and the Beauty (1953)    
    飛鳳游龍 / Happy Lovers (1953)    
    珍珠塔(下集) / Pearl Pagoda (Part 2) (1953)    
    搖山奪艷記 / The Beautiful Girl of Yao Mountian (1953)    
    珍珠塔(上集) / Pearl Pagoda (Part 1) (1953)    
    血戰龍鳳山 / Bloody War to Win the Longfeng Mountain (1953)    
    蘇乞兒 / A Beggar Named Su (1953)    
    暴雨梨花 / The Ill-fated Woman (1953)    
    做慣乞兒懶做官 / A Beggar's Life for Me (1953) ... 嚴鳳 / Yim Fung
    賊美人 / The Beautiful Thief (1953)    
    夜渡鴛鴦江 / Crossing Yuanyang River by Night (1953)    
    五鼠大鬧百花樓 / The Adventure of the Five Rats in Hundred-Flower Pavilion (1953)    
    捷足先得 / First Come, First Serve (1953)    
    三十六點鎖喉槍 / The Killing Spear (1953)    
    偷雞奉母 / Stealing Chickens to Help Mother (1953) ... 阿金 / Ah Kam
    我笑蓮花似玉郎 / My Love Is Like a Lotus-Flower (1954)    
    皇天不負好心人 / Heaven Never Lets the Kind-Hearted Down (1954) ... 方鳴鳳 / Fong Ming-Fung
    夜祭金嬌 / Paying Nocturnal Sacrifice to Kam-Kiu (1954)    
    南海拳王 / The Boxer of Nanhai (1954)    
    郎心如鐵 / The Lover with a Heart of Steel (1954)    
    寶劍金釵 / The Sword and the Gold Hairpin (1954)    
    此子何來問句妻 / Whose Son Is This? (1954)    
    皇天不負好心人 / Heaven Never Lets the Kind-Hearted Down (1954)    
    善惡到頭終有報 / Good and Evil Have Their Own Rewards (1954)    
    紅裙淚 / An Actress' Tears (1954)    
    錦上添花 / The Best of Everything (1954)    
    夜盜美人屍 / Stealing the Beauty's Corpse at Night (1955) ... 李小紅 / Lee Siu-Hung
    五虎將 / The Five Tiger Heroes (1955)    
    白蛇傳 / The Legend of the White Snake (1955)    
    有事鍾無艷 / Dirty Work for Chung Mo-Yim (1955)    
    棒打薄情郎 / Punish the Unfaithful (1955)    
    任劍輝舞台奮鬥史 / An Actor's Struggle (1955)    
    背解紅羅 / Untying the Red Silk Knot Back-Handed (1955)    
    七屍八命九人頭 / Seven Bodies, Eight Deaths and Nine Human Heads (1955)    
    唔做媒人三代好 / The Matchmaker's Fault (1955)    
    百變梅花俠 / Heroine of a Hundred Faces (1955)    
    九九大血案 / The Murder Case at Club 99 (1955)    
    醉打金枝 / Spanking the Princess (1955)    
    仕林祭塔 / Shilin Offers Sacrifice to the Leifeng Pagoda (1955)    
    陳世美不認妻 / Chen Shimei Betrays His Wife (1955)    
    八俠英雄傳 / The Brave Eight (1955)    
    血戰斷魂谷 / Bloody Battle at the Killing Valley (1956)    
    夜吊白芙蓉 / Nocturnal Mourning for White Lotus (1956) ... 白芙蓉 / White Lotus
    黃飛鴻七獅會金龍 / How Wong Fei-Hung Pitted Seven Lions Against the Gold Dragon (1956) ... 陳秀英 / Workshop boss's daughter
    同撈同煲 / Great Chums (1956) ... 小紅 / Siu Hung
    女俠俞金鳳 / The Heroine Yu Kam-Fung (1956)    
    七劍十三俠 (下集) / Seven Swordsmen and Thirteen Knights, Part Two (1957)    
    七劍十三俠 (上集) / Seven Swordsmen and Thirteen Knights, Part One (1957)    
    璇宮艷史(上集) / Romance of Jade Hall (Part 1) (1957) ... 女皇羅依 / The Queen
    啼笑姻緣 / A Tale of Laughter and Tears (1957) ... / Guan Sau-Gu
    信陵君竊符救趙 / How Prince Xinling Stole the General's Seal to Save the State of Zhao (1957)    
    天姬送子 / A Fairy Brings a Son (1957) ... 七姐 / Seventh Sister
    梅花飛劍俠 / Flying Swordsman of the Plum Blossom (1957)    
    大冬瓜 / Big Clumsy Melon (1958) ... / Yee Mui
    乞兒狀元 / The Poor Scholar (1958)    
    獅王梁肉搏猛虎坑 / Lion King, Liang Kuan's Big Fight at Tiger Valley (1958)    
    歷盡滄桑一美人 / The Beauty Who Lived Through Great Changes (1958)    
    碧血劍 / Sword of Blood and Valour (1958)    
    泥馬渡康生 / Prince Kang Crosses the River on a Clay Horse (1958)    
    紅娘 / Red Maid, the Matchmaker (1958) ... 崔鶯鶯 / Chui Ang-Ang
    丈夫變了心 / Faithless Husband (1958)    
    姑緣嫂劫 / Two Sisters-in-law (1958)    
    糊塗外父搶新郎 / The Stupid Father-in-law Seizes the Groom (1958)    
    女人的陷阱 / Women's Trap (1958)    
    方世玉三打乾隆皇 / Fang Shiyu's Three Attacks on Emperor Qianlong (1958)    
    月宮寶盒 / Treasure Box from the Moon (1958)    
    方世玉怒打乾隆皇 / Fang Shiyu Attacks Emperor Qianlong in Fury (1958)    
    璇宮艷史(續集) / Romance of Jade Hall (Part 2) (1958)    
    廣告女郎 / Pin-up Girl (1958)    
    一夜九更天 / The Long Night (1958)    
    平步青雲(大結局) / On the Road to Success (Part 2) (1959)    
    方世玉血戰乾坤罩 / Fang Shiyu's Bloody Battle with the Net of Dual Forces (1959)    
    平步青雲(上集) / On the Road to Success (Part 1) (1959)    
    阿福當兵 / A Fool in the Army (1959) ... / Ah Yuk/Lam Siu-Yuk
    泣荊花 / Story of the Wronged Wife (1959) ... / Lam Che-Heung
    刀下美人魂 / Beauty Slain by the Sword (1959)    
    正德皇情醉怡香苑 / Emperor Zhwengde Falls in Love in Yixiang Garden (1959)    
    正德皇海角尋春 / Emperor Zhengde's Romantic Adventures (1959)    
    七劍下天山 / Seven Swordsman Leave Tianshan (1959) ... / Lau Yuk Fong
    十號風波 / Typhoon Signal No. 10 (1959)    
    好女唔論嫁粧衣 / Dowry or Not, She's Eligible (1959)    
    正德皇月夜下江南 / Secret Love Part 2 (1959)    
    豪門夜宴 / Feast of a Rich Family (1959) ... 王妻 / Sei's wife
    十兄弟 / Ten Brothers (1959) ... �I�I�Z / Brother Shrimp's wife
    鬼馬福星 / Lucky Ones Up to Mischief (1959)    
    龍宮戇駙馬 / Dragon King's Idiot Son-in-Law (1959)    
    浪子嬌妻 / The Prodigal's Wife (1959)    
    白髮魔女傳(下集) / Story of the White-Haired Demon Girl (Part 2) (1959)    
    白髮魔女傳(大結局) / Story of the White-Haired Demon Girl (Grand Finale) (1959)    
    白髮魔女傳(上集) / Story of the White-Haired Demon Girl (Part 1) (1959)    
    闔家有喜 / The Blessed Family (1959)    
    搭錯線 / Funny Misunderstanding (1959) ... 梁美卿 / Leung Mei-Hing/Jenny
    三屍四命五重冤 / To Whom Should the True Murderer Be? (1960) ... 趙玉琴 / Chiu Yuk-Kam
    陣陣驚魂 / The Kidnappers (1960)    
    西河會妻 / Rescue at the West River (1960)    
    風雨梨花喜逢春 / An Ancient Bride (1960)    
    雷電出孤兒 / An Orphan Was Born in Thunderstorm (1960)    
    雨夜驚魂 / The Stormy Night (1960)    
    節婦審貪官 / Magistrate on Trial (1960) ... 李玉娥 / Lee Yuk-Ngor
    鬼媳婦 / The Ghostly Daughter-in-law (1960)    
    月下奇逢 / The Dream Comes True (1960)    
    正德王牡丹亭戲鳳 / Emperor's Rhapsody (1960)    
    冷月寒梅(大結局) / Blooming Under a Cool Moon (Grand Finale) (1960)    
    三女性 / Three Females (1960) ... 梁潔如 / Leung Kit-Yu
    李仙傳 / The Story of Li Xian (1960) ... 李仙 / Lee Sin
    花燈記 / The Festive Lantern (1960)    
    冷月寒梅(上集) / Blooming Under a Cool Moon (Part 1) (1960)    
    羽扇恩仇 / The Gratitude of a Feather Fan (1960) ... 薛美娟 / Sit Mei-Kuen
    摩登新娘 / The Harassed Husband (1960)    
    夜探留人洞 / A Night Visit to the Mysterious Cave (1960)    
    冷月寒梅(下集) / Blooming Under a Cool Moon (Part 2) (1960)    
    梨花一枝春帶雨 / The Widow with Grievance (1960) ... 白梨影 / Pak Lei-Ying
    十兄弟怒海除魔 / The Ten Brothers Vs. the Sea Monster (1960) ... / Sam Mui
    五兒哭墳 / The Five Sons Crying at the Tomb (1960) ... 姚若蘭 / Yiu Yeuk-Lan
    代代扭紋柴 / The Stubborn Generations (1960) ... / Leung Yu-Chu
    琴挑誤(下集) / Romantic Music (Part 2) (1960)    
    龍鳳合歡花 / The Joyful Matrimony (1960)    
    考子鬧天宮 / Revolt in Heaven (1960)    
    富貴榮華 / The Princess and Fok Wah (1960)    
    雲台十八劍 / Swordsmen of Mount Win Tai (1960)    
    非夢奇緣 / The Random Harvest (1960)    
    佛前花送狀元歸 / A Pity Woman Met Her Former Lover Again (1960)    
    孝感動天(下集) / Filial Piety That Moves Heaven (Part 2) (1960) ... 林淑英 / Lam Suk-Ying
    琴挑誤(上集) / Romantic Music (Part 1) (1960)    
    碧海香螺傳 / The Marriage of the Beautiful Corpse (1960)    
    孝感動天(上集) / Filial Piety That Moves Heaven (Part 1) (1960) ... 林淑英 / Lam Suk-Ying
    烏龍王發達記 / Silly Wong Growing Rich (1960) ... 連容騷 / Lin Yung-Sou
    再世奇緣 / Reincarnated Love (1960)    
    猛鬼孤兒 / The Poor Child (1960)    
    烏龍王飛來艷福 / Much Ado About Nothing (1960)    
    仙笛神龍(上集) / Ingenious Fluter (Part 1) (1961) ... 玉簫仙子尚玉燕 / Sheung Yuk-Yin
    火網英雄傳 / Heroes of the Chaste Ages (1961)    
    十八追魂劍 / Wonderful Handkerchief (1961)    
    夜光杯(下集) / Magic Cup (Part 2) (1961) ... / [3] So-So / Cup fairy / Princess Bo-Ling
    寒江關 / The Chilly River Pass (1961) ... 樊梨花 / Fan Lei-Fa
    夜光杯(上集) / Magic Cup (Part 1) (1961) ... / So-So/Cup Fairy/Princ.Bo-Ling [3 roles]
    抬轎姑爺 / Story of a Sedan-bearer (1961)    
    游龍情俠 / The Valiant Prince (1961)    
    漢宮秋月 / The Palace of the August Moon (1961)    
    挖目保山河 / The General and the Tyrant (1961)    
    戇姑爺 / The Idiot Husband (1961)    
    紅巾女俠 / Heroine with a Red Scarf (1961)    
    婦唱喜夫隨 / Attractive Songstress (1961)    
    俠侶恩仇 / Revenge and Gratitude (1961)    
    步步高陞 / The Prince Incognito (1961)    
    丹鳳屠龍劍 / Killing Dragon Sword (1961)    
    漢宮英烈傳 / Fall of Liang (1961) ... 白玫瑰, 崔綠珠 / White Rose / Chui Luk-chu
    母子淚 / Mother and Son (1961) ... / Hui Yuk-Lin
    好女唔憂嫁 / Three Beaus (1961)    
    怪俠金絲貓 / The Golden Cat (1961)    
    古墓追魂劍 / Green Dragon Sword (1961)    
    雷克探案之血手凶刀 / The Valiant Brothers (1961)    
    金蘭花(下集) / The Temple of the Golden Orchid (Part 2) (1961)    
    傻俠勤王 / A Fool's Luck (1961)    
    刁蠻女俠(下集) / Temperamental Amazon (Part 2) (1961)    
    威震江湖八卦刀 / Heroic Deed (1961)    
    風塵俠侶 / Heroic Lovers (1961)    
    歡喜夫妻 / Home Sweet Home (1961)    
    一命難填九命冤 / The Prosecution (1961)    
    彩菱艷 / The Colourful Water-chestnut (1961)    
    刁蠻女俠(上集) / Temperamental Amazon (Part 1) (1961)    
    少小離家老大回(上集) / Human Cargo (Part 1) (1961)    
    金鑾教子認生娘 / Palace (1961)    
    十載含冤為我郎 / Finally We Meet Again (1961)    
    芙蓉帳暖渡春宵 / Misunderstanding Disturbance (1961)    
    衣帶奇冤 / The Belt (1961) ... 利月華 / Lei Yuet-wah
    皇城救母定江山 / The Wall (1961)    
    電話情人 / The Telephone Affair (1961) ... 丁如燕 / Ting Yu-Yin
    仙笛神龍(下集) / Ingenious Fluter (Part 2) (1961) ... 玉簫仙子尚玉燕 / Sheung Yuk-Yin
    太平天國女英雄 / China at Dawn (1961)    
    狄青 / Dik Ching the Hero (1961) ... 雙陽公主 / Princess Sheung-Yeung
    金蘭花(上集) / The Temple of the Golden Orchid (Part 1) (1961)    
    湖海恩仇 / Or Gratitude and Revenge (1962)    
    大明群英會 / The Heroic Breed of Ming (1962)    
    龍鳳奇緣 / The Strange Romance of the Dragon and the Phoenix (1962) ... 馬如鳳 / MaYu-Fung
    扭計新娘 / The Wise Bride (1962)    
    龍虎恩仇龍鳳配 / A Story of Love and Revenge (1962)    
    秋香怨(下集) / The Sorrowful Tale of Qiu Xiang (Part 2) (1962)    
    文武狀元爭彩鳳 / Two Scholars in Contention for Their Love (1962)    
    黑獄孤兒 / Dark Prison Orphan (1962)    
    秋香怨(上集) / The Sorrowful Tale of Qiu Xiang (Part 1) (1962)    
    女附馬金殿鳴冤 / The Princess Presents Her Petition (1962)    
    真假洞房春 / A Confusing Honeymoon (1962)    
    灰青五虎平西 / How Di Qing and the 5 Tigers Conquered the West (1962)    
    富貴榮華第一家 / Grandest of All Families (1962)    
    探花夫婿狀元妻 / The Female Champion (1962) ... 王春霞 / Wong Chun-ha
    春滿帝皇家 / Spring Comes to the Palace (1962)    
    旱天雷 / The Thunderous Night (1962)    
    鬼俠 / Ghost Hero (1962)    
    驚天動地 / Dangerous Moves (1962)    
    紅梅仙借屍還魂記 / Reincarnation of the Red Plum (1962)    
    三告狀 / Three Petitions (1962)    
    百行孝為先 / Filial Piety Is the Best Virtue (1962)    
    血洗愛河橋 / Tragedy on the Love Bridge (1962)    
    斬柴仔封王 / The Chopper That Becomes a King (1962)    
    賢妻良母 / The Poor Wife (1963)    
    武當七俠 / The Seven Heroes of Wudang Mountain (1963)    
    無敵鴛鴦劍 / The Invincible Yuanyang Swords (1963)    
    金鎖匙 / The Golden Key (1963)    
    紅粉金剛 / The Heroine (1963)    
    大俠金葫蘆 / The Golden Gourd (1963)    
    東江女霸王 / The Conqueress of Dong Jiang (1963)    
    風雨泣萍姬 / Poor Lady Ping (1963)    
    亂拜石榴裙 / Lousy Womaniser (1963)    
    雌雄雙劍俠 / The Swordsman and the Swordswoman (1963)    
    天降福星 / Blessings from Heaven (1963)    
    鐵鴛鴦 / Iron Mandarin Duck (1963)    
    咖啡女郎 / Coffee Girl (1963)    
    猿女復仇記 / Revenge of the Ape-girl (1963)    
    難測女兒心 / She Is Different (1963)    
    烽火恩仇十六年 / Sixteen Years of Love and Hate (1963) ... 張秀雲 / Cheung Sau-Wan
    錦繡天堂 / Beautiful Heaven (1964) ... 文秀娟 / Man Sau-Kuen
    南北鐵觀音 / The Iron Goddess of Mercy (1964)    
    密碼間諜戰 / Secret Codes (1964)    
    銀箭金刀 / The Silver Arrow and the Golden Blade (1964)    
    孝子賢孫 / Filial Sons and Grandchildren (1964) ... 崔素蘭 / Chui So-Lan
    海角驚魂 / Horror by the Sea (1964) ... 杜美薇 / To Mei-Mei
    大家姐 / Our Big Sister (1964)    
    龍江三虎(下集) / Three Tigers (Part 2) (1964)    
    富貴滿華堂 / Rich and Prosperous (1964) ... / Wong Ang-Wan
    龍江三虎(上集) / Three Tigers (Part 1) (1964)    
    999毒天鵝 / The Poisonous Swan (1964) ... 沈慧嫻 / Shum Wai-Hing
    滿堂吉慶 / All Are Happy (1964)    
    冒牌丈夫 / The Fake Husband (1964)    
    香城九鳳 / The 9 Phoenixes of the City (1964)    
    女人第一 / Lady First (1965)    
    大四喜 / Full Happiness (1965)    
    大紅袍 / The Red Robe (1965)    
    人鬼恩仇 / Between Man and Ghost (1965) ... / Mok Ngan-Fa
    寶蝶記 / The Butterfly Legend (1967) ... 周仁 / Chow Yan
    七劍十三俠 / The Seven Swords and the Thirteen Heroes (1967)    
    伏魔乾坤劍 / The Sword that Vanquished the Monster (1969)    
    五嶽風雲 / Heroic Tale of the Five Mountains (1969)    
    又見冤家 / Love Me and Dad (1988) ... / Ai Hsing
  主唱 / Singer
    九九大血案 / The Murder Case at Club 99 (1955)    
  Married to Ho Fei-Fan