[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
王小鳳  ♀
Pauline Wong Siu-Fung
拼音: wáng xiǎo fèng
Wang Hsiao-Feng

影視作品 / Filmography (1984-2011)
  監製 / Producer
    等愛的女人 / Right Here Waiting... (1994)    
  演員 / Actor (1984-2011)
    艷鬼發狂 / Possessed II (1984) ... / Michelle
    我們都這樣長大 / Reunion (1984)    
    錯點鴛鴦 / Love with the Perfect Stranger (1985) ... / Wang Jin Jin/Wong Gam Gam
    平安夜 / Night Caller (1985) ... / Bobbie
    殭屍先生 / Mr. Vampire (1985) ... 董小玉 / Jade
    夏日福星 / Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars (1985) ... / [Cameo at the end]
    國父孫中山與開國英雄 / The Story of Dr. Sun Yat Sen (1986)    
    殭屍翻生 / New Mr. Vampire (1986) ... / Qing Man, female corpse
    奪寶計上計 / From Here to Prosperity (1986) ... / Cabaret singer
    最佳福星 / Lucky Stars Go Places (1986) ... 王晶妻子 / Tiny's wife at police station
    大家發財 / The Funny Vampire (1986) ... / Xiao Feng
    初一十五 / The Missed Date (1986) ... 阿令 / Ling
    意亂情迷 / Double Fixation (1987) ... 王小姐 / Miss Wong
    中國最後一個太監 / Last Eunuch in China (1987) ... 紅姐 / Sister Soo
    省港旗兵續集兵分兩路 / Long Arm of the Law II (1987) ... / Diana
    鬼新娘 / Spiritual Love (1987) ... May / May
    江湖情 / Rich and Famous (1987) ... / Wong Wai Chu
    厲鬼纏身 / Split of the Spirit (1987) ... 盧玲 / Lu-ling
    英雄好漢 / Tragic Hero (1987) ... / Wong Hui Chu
    血玫瑰 / Her Vengeance (1988) ... / Chieh Ying
    公子多情 / The Greatest Lover (1988) ... 上官飛鳳 / Sheung Guan Fei Fung
    群鶯亂舞 / Profiles of Pleasure (1988) ... / Sek Ki
    赤膽情 / No Compromise (1988) ... / Lily Liu
    驚魂記 / Deception (1989) ... / May
    孔雀王子 / The Peacock King (1989) ... / Witch Raga
    四千金 / Four Loves (1989) ... 鄭麗芳 / Cheng Li-Fang
    再見王老五 / The Bachelor's Swan Song (1989) ... / Quarrelsome woman at marriage registry
    捉鬼合家歡 / The Spooky Family (1990)    
    著牛仔褲的鍾馗 / The Blue Jean Monster (1991) ... 朱 / Sister Chu
    敦煌夜譚 / Dun Huang Tales of the Night (1991) ... 蓮香 / Lien Heung
    人鬼神 / Spiritual Trinity (1991) ... 夢夢 / Mun
    邊城皇帝 / Country Side Hero (1992)    
    千人斬 / The Beheaded 1000 (1993) ... 鍾妹 / Zhong Kui's sister
    愛在黑社會的日子 / Love Among the Triad (1993) ... 馬文鳳 / Ma Man Fung
    千王情人 / Lover of the Swindler (1993) ... / Insp. Wong Chi San
    等愛的女人 / Right Here Waiting... (1994) ... 馬莉莉 - Lily Ma / Lily Ma
    勁抽福祿壽 / The Fortune Buddies (2011) ... 凱琪之母 / Fiona's mother
  出品人 / Presenter
    等愛的女人 / Right Here Waiting... (1994)    
  HKFA Best Actress Award for Love With the Perfect Stranger (1985)