Ungrateful Tink (1999)
Reviewed by: ryan on 1999-11-21
Summary: Ungrateful Tink (1999)
Anthony WONG and Simon LOUI Yue-yeung is very active in the industry this year. Simon LOUI has been in almost every movie made in 1999 and usually more than one movie with Anthony WONG are showing in cinemas at the same time. In September, while we have Pro Film Production 'The Kingdom of Mob', we have another triad movie 'Ungrateful Tink' opened on the same date. This movie also casts TO Tai-yue, who has been popular since the success of the recent China Star TV Dramas showing at ATV Home Channel.

'Ungrateful Tink' is a movie about two man -- Black Hair (Anthony WONG Chau-sang) and White Hair (TO Tai-yue). They have been friends since primary schools. After they grow up, they are in the directions opposite to their nick name. Black Hair joins the Police Force while White Hair joined the triad party. Both of them are climbing up to the higher positions in their ladder by indecent way. Black Hair forces his wife Jing (LAM Mei-hing) to kill a drug addicted guy for making a success in getting drugs. White Hair induces the wife (SZE Yim-chi) of his big brother. Then he kills his big brother and gets the wife as his girl. In a anti-pornography action, Black Hair meets White Hair. Despite they are friends, White Hair wants to kill Black Hair so that he can have the negotiation power with the triad head (Simon LOUI Yue-yeung) to be the vice-head of the triad party......

The key issue illustrated in 'Ungrateful Tink' is the indecent behaviours in the triad society. Triad Society is a society considers tighteous and promises as the important elements maintaing the society. White Hair in the movie breaks the rules for climbing up the social ladder. He is a total baddy in the movie.

TO Tai-yue, who has been in lots of TV Drama series before he switched into film industry, is able to act the characters of White Hair. Despite the lack of resources in production, the sub-plot that TO Tai-yue kills his 'Big Brother' is well done. Anthony WONG's role is very similar to his characters in 'Beast Cops'. Once again, he acted as a corrupted cop. His performance reflects his experience only.

The plot aims at describing the indecent behaviours. However, with the creation of two characters Black Hair and White Hair, they should have a more balanced plot on both sides. Now most of the desciptions were on White Hair. Black Hair looks like a supporting cast rather than a leading cast.

For the approach of presentation, 'Ungrateful Tink' has done a fair job but not impressive. Audience who has seen 'Young and Dangerous' series will find that they are familiars with most of the skills happened in 'Ungrateful Tink'. As audience has been exposed to tons of triad movies before, the director and the script writer are encouraged to put something specific in their movie to make it more remarkable. For example, they can put something new in the dislogues to make it more interesting.

In short, 'Ungrateful Tink' is a movie writing how a guy behaves in a indecent way in a machanise which considers righteous and promise as the most important things. The performance of TO Tai-yue is good hwile Anthony WONG repeats himself.