Twelve Gates to Hell (1980)
Reviewed by: Frank Lakatos on 2006-02-10
Summary: The bionic leg is awesome and Dragon Lee's on top of his game as usual..
A Korean movies dubbed, edited, and ripped off by Gopdfrey Ho and Jospeh Lai's IFD productions. This was one of the first Dragon Lee movies I had ever seen, and remember it being recommended to me by some friends in elementary school. Back then, I thought it was awesome and I still like it now. This movie has magic to it. The feeling is creative and cool. The bionic leg is awesome and Dragon Lee's on top of his game. Even though the villain is a miscasted unskilled slop, this is still a cool movie, full of neat gimmicks and Dragon Lee's colorful kung fu style. Baek Hwang Ki breathes fire, while Han Ying uses an exotic weapon. The comedic scenes with Korea's iron chef Nam Po Dong and Kwon Il Su are hilarious! This movie stars almost all of Korea's best villains. Not worth a serious viewing, only when you have nothing to watch. 3/5