The Avenging Fist (2001)
Reviewed by: dandan on 2006-03-08
Summary: i thought this would be shit...
yep, it has a pretty awful cover, not that that's any real indicator, and i've read some dreadful reviews here and there. still, i really kinda enjoyed it...

it's the story of a pair of siblings, their dead father, some secret army, a glove that unlocks the brain's full potential and sammo hung in a silver hat. it's filled with cgi that, on the whole, looks pretty damn good for hong kong; i was suprised at just how good it did look. the action sequences are pretty cool too; i liked the mixture of stylised, cgi assisted and just plain wire-work based fighting, they seem to have got the balance just right.

as for the all-star cast, sammo was good, kristy yang was a cutie, stephen fung had some great hair and yuen biao was looking a little chubby. all-in-all, i really enjoyed this; sure, it wasn't anything new and i was expecting a big daft film with dreadful effects, but it was actually an entertaining watch, there were some decent effects, the stylisation worked a treat and there were some lovely haircuts...

a good, fun watch...