Beyond Our Ken (2004)
Reviewed by: dandan on 2007-08-02
Summary: the third pang...
ching (gillian chung) was dumped by ken (daniel wu) about a month ago. after a nude picture of ching (with an obscured ken) appears online, she tracks down ken's new girlfriend, shirley (tao hong). after revealing some truths about ken, shirley agrees to help ching get her own back and a strange friendship begins to take place...

pang ho-cheung's third film is another in his arsenal of off-kilter commentaries and another quality flick. pang manages to create an original and intriguing comedy, which plays out with some overtones of a thriller, whilst never failing to raise a smile.

gillian and tao hong make a good on screen pairing and daniel wu is as good as expected, even though his role is pretty modest in size. if i have any gripe, it's probably with the last execution of the film's last five minutes, although, i think i've already warmed to them.

so, good stuff once again...