Cop Unbowed (2004)
Reviewed by: Sydneyguy on 2009-01-03
Summary: Straight to video/video camera style filming
In other words its low budget,

the beginning tries to tell a quick story about what is happening but its intention to show a summary of what occurs feels like u are watching a short film that just jumps from topic to topic. Your wondering if your watching a trailer!!

General plot is Michael Tse is killed by Alex Fong, but Eddy ko,the triad boss,believes Alex fong done wrong to him (but it was actually Michael Tse) and Alex fong escapes and lives a life in a restaurant where Chin Kar Lok is working also. The plot is a revenge one from Eddy Ko who sends people after them.

The problem with this movie is the uneven performances from the various cast. The young cast at times look amaturish and All Alex Fong has to do is mope around. The plot itself is standard so its nothing new.
The ending is just bad,the movie just speaks about Alex Fong after kicking ass and that movie just ends!!

Its a ok movie, if you got nothing better to do, you can do a lot worse
Reviewer Score: 5