A Hero Never Dies (1998)
Reviewed by: MilesC on 2000-10-18
Summary: Lush, somewhat sly update on the gangster genre.
This certainly isn't a movie that will appeal to everyone, but I personally can't recommend it enough. The story is familiar, but with some typically unpredictable Milkyway twists. Minor scenes are overplayed to (I believe intentional) mildly amusing effect, while many of the movie's most pivotal moments are so underplayed that they could easily be missed. While the narrative might be too strange for some, the acting, (including a downright tolerable performance from Leon) photography, and even Raymond Wong's score make this unmissable. The only complaint I might make is that the shoot 'em up ending is slightly disappointing, and displays the constraints of the budget; the blood and exciting/horrifying carnage are important factors in endings of this sort, and the fact is there are too few squibs in the finale to produce the desired effect. Think of Milkyway's earlier Beyond Hypothermia if you're not sure what effect I mean. Still, it's a minor complaint to make about a great movie.

Post-script: I don't think the above review is effusive enough. I've watched this movie at least five times, and it keeps getting better; though it my not reach the highest peaks in HK cinema, it is probably the closest thing I've ever seen to a perfect movie. I would hardly change a thing.