Tiger on the Beat (1988)
Reviewed by: hkcinema on 1999-12-08
Liu Chia Liang, Shaw glory days behind him, turns his hand to directing a genre cop-buddy movie. It stars Chow Yun Fat, David Chiang, Gordon Liu and has cameos from the likes of Dik Lung and Liu Chia Yung ... personally, i was in heaven. It's sketchily put together by american editing standards- but who cares. Chow is hilarious, Gordon Liu is in it and Dik Lung is exceptionally hard. The soundtrack is stuck in the eighties but it didn't bother me, Conan Lee is good to but I know little of his other work really. The film does have some odd moments though, notably the scene where Chow is being 'cruel to be kind' to Nina Li and literally ends up beating her to a pulp. Also, I only went with the crudely exploitative opening shot of Nina Li becuase I realised that Liang is having fun with the Genre and making fun of it a bit too. Chow's closing line to the film had us in stitches, has to be watched really.

[Reviewed by Andrew Best]