In the Mood for Love (2000)
Reviewed by: MilesC on 2000-12-23
Summary: You don't need to read this review.
You already know if you'll enjoy this movie or not. Wong Kar-Wai fans will find this up to par; while I, on the other hand, found it less irritating than Ashes of Time or Fallen Angels, it didn't make a fan out of me. While things weren't painfully boring to begin with, I found myself getting pretty impatient after the first hour, watching many silent scenes on fast-forward. WKW's penchant for repetitive soundtracks is in full effect, with a couple of tunes being repeated endlessly. The cinematography, while fine, isn't necessarily all it's cracked up to be; there's plenty of stuff here that film students will get off on, but not much that'll impress the average viewer. As for the much-praised performances, I was not that impressed. Standing around looking pensive is not acting. Tony and Maggie have both pulled off more challenging and entertaining roles. Frankly, I suspect that if this movie were not good language practice- the language is generally simple and delivered at a moderate pace- I would've gotten sick of this movie even quicker. I just don't buy the idea that a stripped-down story told with an extremely deliberate pace automatically makes for a film of superior quality. The best thing I can say is that, thankfully, it runs under 90 minutes.