A Better Tomorrow II (1987)
Reviewed by: Inner Strength on 2002-01-12
Summary: Very good, highly recommended.
To be honest, I have always thought that as far as entertainment goes, this was better than it's originator, although I doubt too many people would agree with me.

The story writers have managed to get Chow Yun Fat back even though he died in the first film, this time to play Marks twin brother, Ken. As stupid (and desperate) as it might sound to get the original actor back to play the main role, it surprisingly works well and you can actually believe it. Everyone plays strongly here, even Leslie Cheung (who was a let down in the original). Dean Shek is especially good, this was the first time (in fact the only time I can think of) that I have seen him in a serious acting role and actually comes off as one of the best performers.

Plenty of gun fights as usual, with a few more sub plots to keep you interested, it's very enjoyable. It's as long as the original, and although most films get boring after 90 minutes, this one keeps you going.

Really overall then this is as good as the original, and highly recommended especially if you liked the first outing.
Reviewer Score: 10