Rumble in the Bronx (1995)
Reviewed by: Inner Strength on 2002-01-13
Right, first of all, I'm glad to see that at least ONE 'Jackie Chan fan' was being honest when they admited this was not that great, so if a Jackie Chan fan can admit it, then I think that says it all. Anyone who has not seen it yet, don't bother! You will loose a lot of respect for Jackie, HONESTLY.

True, this is a commercial movie based at international level, so you have to take that into considerstion I suppose when you see the amount of rubbish thrown into this. YOu really can't beleive any of this stuff would happen in real life, like an entire supermarket being pulled down in the middle of a street by a bull dozer...sorry, but that just WOULDN'T happen. Why is that I can't remember seeing a single police car in it, after all the people getting beated up, does that mean that you can get away with any crime you want in america? I might be wrong, but cannot recall, and would not waste my time watching again to check.

To make things even worst, Anita Mui probably plays her most annoying part ever! Same goes for Emil Chow. The action is nothing special either, there is no real story, and all the 'bad guys' look like they are on crack, and not just because they are in the Bronx either.

Jackie Chan really got worse and worse from the mid 90's as he started to make English speaking movies like this, First Strike, Rush Hour, Mr Nice Guy, all of those were the same. Jackie Chan needs to take a break from Hollywood and try to make at least one or two good HK movies again before he retires, if he wants to retire with any kind of dignity.

Sorry to have to tell you this 'sydneyguy', but the jump from the buildings was not actually Jackie Chan, it was a stuntman. A lot of the stunts in his films were not actully him.

Rating (out of 5): 1

(This rating is based on the year & genre, so don't think it's based as a comparison on new releases etc.)