Gimme Gimme (2001)
Reviewed by: shelly on 2001-12-19
Summary: No drugs, no sex, no triads: a different kind of HK youth movie
One in a series of insightful Lawrence Lau directed youth movies. This one is far lighter than his previous harrowing, critically acclaimed Spacked Out. But not light to the point of being commercial, or coasting on cliché. Lau gets natural, spontaneous, engagingly watchable performances from his young unprofessional cast. Tse Lo-say's screenplay is fresh, free of cliché for the genre, and refreshingly non-condescending. It's sometimes very funny (how to spell “Raymond”) and sometimes acutely, spot-on sensitive and fascinatingly textured (see the scene in which the boys and the girls conduct parallel conversations about love). Light, jumpy photography has a gentle, "youthful" feel without being showy. Lau shows that Hong Kong can make a youth movie with no drugs, no sex, no triads, no violence, no stars: wow! The only (small) problem might be an overly schematic ending, which too neatly resolves all tensions, ties up all loose ends. But that’s a small damper on an otherwise splendid small film: one of 2001s happy successes.
Reviewer Score: 9