Doctor Vampire (1990)
Reviewed by: danton on 2002-01-03
Forgettable B-movie that actually features Western-style bloodsuckers, as opposed to the hopping Eastern variety. The plot is pretty straightforward: while on vacation in England, a young HK doctor encounters a Chinese girl who turns out to be a vampire. He gets bitten (although he doesn't remember) and upon his return to HK, starts to exhibit the various familiar symptoms. Being a doctor, at least he has access to blood supplies, and much of this part of the movie deals with his attempts to adjust in what is meant to be comedic fashion, but which falls flat for the most part.
Meanwhile back in England, the head vampire can't forget the taste of that sweet Chinese blood (in one of the movies funniest lines, he explains to his underlings: "it's like Ginseng!") and sends first the girl back to HK to find the Doctor, and then goes himself when she exhibits signs of actually falling in love with the victim.

Most of the movie is wasted, but the final showdown culminates in a very good action sequence where the Western vampire faces off against Peking Opera characters (don't ask why) and this becomes a very entertaining West against East fight with good action choreography.

Worth watching if you can grab it for cheap on VCD.