Bury Me High (1991)
Reviewed by: foleyisgravy on 2002-01-05
Summary: Feng Shui for dummies
OK action flick starring Chin Kar Lok, Tsui Siu Ming, Yuen Wah, Moon Lee, Sibelle Hu, and delightful Cho Wing. Plot is too complicated to explain in a short review but bascially Yuen Wah is an evil general and Chin Kar Lok and some friends have to stop him. God, how I love a cheap by-the-numbers action plotline. The action takes a while to start up in this one with the first fight being about 25 minutes in. After that, there is another short one 20 minutes later and a big finale to close her off. The ending has some good fighting with Wah and Kar Lok going at it while Ming faces Wing. It rhymes! I wasn't blown away by it and the way Wah bites it is really stupid. The action is worth seeing, but the rest of the movie had me bored for the most part. With such a great martial arts cast, you'd think that there would be more fights.