City War (1988)
Reviewed by: grimes on 2002-04-20
Summary: Police propoganda film
According to this film, being a police officer is really dangerous, not just for you, but for your family as well.

No doubt _some_ police work, such as undercover work, is quite dangerous, but your average beat cop or detective is at less danger than a truck driver or garbage collector. Both of the latter professions, according to the US Department of Labor, have 2-3 times as many fataties per year as police officers!

So this sort of film serves little purpose other than police propoganda.

Bah, I can do without it.

So that's the purely political viewpoint, what about the artistic/entertainment value?

Well, the plot has been done to death before, and been done better. The acting is decent, particularly the two leads. The one big action sequence at the end isn't bad.

But it isn't terribly good, either.