The Big Score (1990)
Reviewed by: hkcinema on 1999-12-08
Have I ever seen a bad Danny Lee film? I think not. But have I ever seen a bad Wong Jing movie? Yes I have, and on several occasions! But this one is not one of them. "THE BIG SCORE" is no classic, but from the few Wong Jing films that I saw, this might be my favourite one yet. I must say that I am not familiar with his earlier works, the ones that I saw were quite recent and the range of quality went from -not very good- ("THE SAINT OF GAMBLERS") to -really bad- ("FUTURE COPS"). This film does have some humour, as a matter of fact it has plenty of it, but it seem that he (Wong Jing) was inspired for once.

[Reviewed by Martin Sauvageau]