Chinese Odyssey 2002 (2002)
Reviewed by: danton on 2002-06-05
I was expecting typical Jeff Lau-style mayhem, fast-paced, hyperkinetic narrative and plot lunacies galore. Instead, this is a rather slow-paced film with an almost mellow feel. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing at all. There aren't really any truly inspired, hilarious over the top moments a la Eagle Shooting Heroes, and many of the gags that are included feel somewhat forced. So anyone expecting lots of laughs will be disappointed. But the film more than makes up for it with gorgeous production design (costumes, settings), beautiful cinematography and a rather melancholic, touching sentiment that permeates the story and turns what is initially a tired, not very funny gender-bdending period comedy into a heartwarming parable about the nature of love.

Tony Leung Chiu-Wai and Zhao Wei (despite being poorly dubbed) display ample charm, Chang Chen acts mildly goofy, Athena Chu does a surprising, delightful cameo, and even Faye Wong, who I don't consider a particularly charismatic actress, does a good job in making the audience care about the fate of these characters. The whole gender-confusion thing has been done to death in these type of films, yet it still works and even takes on a surprising little twist at the end.

The DVD presentation is first-rate. Recommended.