Too Many Ways To Be No. 1 (1997)
Reviewed by: ButterflyMurders on 2002-06-09
Summary: Going against the grain til the end
Here's a way:

I'm all for artistic camerawork. It adds a lot of interest to scenes. This film however takes it just a *little* extreme-for God's sake, is it REALLY that necessary to have a camera dangling upside down from the ceiling? C'mon. I found the wild, unrestrained camerawork just too distracting. Maybe I'm just a boring, conservative movie viewer, but when I'm viewing something, I want to WATCH THE GODDAMNIT THING, not feeling like I've been tossed in the tumbler washer for a couple of hours. Amazing concept, isn't it?

There's a way:

Apart from the camerawork, the film itself is quite interesting. I always like films where you are able to watch, God-mode, two variant fates of a character. Nice story and amusing characters-for instance, the wannabe hitman desperate to call his ancient grandmother.

Which way is the way?:

If the camerawork wasn't so crazed, I would have held this film in higher regard. But hey, if you like being tumbled around, wheee! 7/10

Reviewer Score: 7