My Young Auntie (1981)
Reviewed by: CaptainAmerica on 2002-06-14
Summary: Auntie tears it up!
I've looked for this film for a while now, and I finally got to see it this week. My final opinion: Kara Hui deserved the award she won for her performance in this movie, without a doubt! However, Lau Kar Leung (because of Shaw execs) put as much focus on goofy comedy as he does on Kara and his requisite spectacular martial arts action. All things considered, I'd say this movie deserves its classic status!

The action starts when a rich man weds one of his young servants (Kara Hui)...he has deep motive behind this: first, to make her effectively the head of the family; second, so she can obey his final request to bequeath his deeds and will to his third brother (Lau Kar Leung) in order to foil the plans of another evil brother (Wang Lung Wei), who greedily covets his dying brother's estate. After her new husband passes away, Kara's character travels to Canton to do her duty and give the personal effects to the upright brother...but runs into complications with his westernized (more like cosmopolitan) son -- and her new grandnephew, in spite of the fact they're almost the same age! -- Charlie (Hsiao Ho).

Kara Hui is the center of this film, and rightfully so, in her first major leading role...BUT (and that's a heavy but!) there are times in this film when the focus shifts from her to goofy comedy (the masquerade dance for the most part being the most time-consuming). Hsiao Ho doesn't help much: he struck me as being very much like Yuen Biao in ability and charm, but it seems that no one told him about the concept of overacting, and more importantly not to do it! Another thing that got me mad was that at the pivotal climax (which sort of comes in two parts!) Kara doesn't take center stage in the action, when she did so for the rest of the movie before! (Undoubtedly another decision on the part of Shaw execs...they must have said something like, "We can't have a lady knock the crap out of all the guys!") So Lau Kar Leung, Hsiao and a few more goofy uncles take center stage in the final fight against their evil least Lau does it well! And lest I forget, Kara gets to show some of her sex appeal (much to Hsiao's delight!), but not in the way she did in MADAM CITY HUNTER!

My final opinion: Highly recommended! (With reservations!)