High Risk (1995)
Reviewed by: Sahid Yaqub on 2002-07-26
Summary: WELL I'D GIVE IT 4/5
Nothing much to say: Die Hard meets-City Hunter-meets-John Woo-style gunplay-meets-Jet Li-style kung fu and some more parodies of Bruce Lee done by Jacky Cheung performing the nunchakus in a yellow cat suit (hint, hint). But I thought it was a great movie- thank god I watched the Hong Kong version, otherwise it would've been less enjoyable and a big load of bullshit!!! Just as usual- American video companies have fucked up HK classics like DM2, and a bundle of Jet Li movies by editing them to shreads and dubbing them so it sounds like a bunch of nobodies just READING!!! But the HK version was pretty enjoyable- make sure you DON'T watch the US version.
Reviewer Score: 8