Blind Fist of Bruce (1979)
Reviewed by: mrblue on 2003-09-18
There was a boatload of Bruce Lee knockoffs introduced to the public after his death. While none of them could ever reasonably hope to match Lee in both talent and charisma, one of the better ones was Bruce Li, and because of that, Blind Fist of Bruce is actually a pretty good movie compared to a lot of the other junk that was coming around this time.

The plot is really nothing special -- Li owns a bank that is taken over by some thugs and he learns kung fu from a blind master (Simon Yuen) to get his revenge -- but there are a ton of fights (some of which, specifically the finale, are quite good) and a thankful lack of the dopey comedy which plagued many chop-socky movies of the period. Blind Fist of Bruce isn't anything great, but if you like to kick it old-school, it's a fun ride.