One Nite in Mongkok (2004)
Reviewed by: Souxie on 2004-05-30
Summary: Makes you think
I enjoyed this movie, but found it odd and unsettling. At times funny, at times dark and gruesome, it was many different styles thrown together. It didn't always work well, and I felt that Ceceila Cheung's character was too flippant in most situations. I'm not fluent in any Chinese but even I could spot the bad Mandarin being used - Danny Wu was great, but even he can't fake Mandarin that well. Overall the performances were good, except Cecelia's role of the mainland prostitute could have been played better by someone who isn't known for their silly rom-coms too.
I'd give this 8/10 - it loses 2 marks cos she wasn't convincing enough. I recommend it to anyone who hasn't been around Temple St at night though!
Reviewer Score: 8