Healing Hearts (2000)
Reviewed by: JohnR on 2004-12-05
Summary: DOA
What a mess! The subplots are stuck into the story at regular intervals with the same affect as having your attention diverted by commercials during a TV show, since they are totally unrelated to the main action and never go anywhere. Since this is apparently a model for a TV show, maybe that was the idea: every place in the movie where the subplot is shown will be replaced by ads when it's converted to television.

Both the previous reviewers were spot on regarding Michelle Reis's performance, but I disagree about Tony Leung's. He's one of my favorite actors but he looks like he's sleep walking through this one. I know he was given nothing to work with, but he doesn't rise above it in any way. I'm sure Michelle and Tony's agents are busy deleting this from their clients' official filmographies. Avoid it or you, too, will be induced into a deep coma..