2007: The Digital Scrounge

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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:31 am

ewaffle wrote:With that cast this is a movie I must get. Teresa Mak is just unspeakably gorgeous and talented but she seems to be cast as the buddy to the female star in a bunch of films and also as one of the actresses who keep her clothes on for some Cat III flesh-fests. But almost anything with her is worth watching. And with Jade and Pinky... :D

If you think you can handle lower-tier stuff like this—and judging from the variety of your reviews, Ed, I'd say you can—you might want to check out DANGER ZONE as well. It's the sequel to BRUSH UP MY SISTERS, although I think it was probably the last one they shot in that trilogy because it's actually much better than the other two, including SOME LIKE IT COOL, which was released after and has clips from DANGER ZONE clumsily inserted to fake up a flashback). You don't really need to see the earlier film to understand it either. None of 'em are award winners, but DANGER ZONE has the same kind of professional polish that marks MY BABY SHOT ME DOWN, and shows that there were some bright spots in the much maligned videogramme category. And yeah, Teresa Mak is definitely an underrated talent and a beautiful woman; one wonders why she feels compelled to appear in silly stuff like TORTURED SEX GODDESS and the like (though even that had some decent production value for what it was). Guess every paycheck counts. :lol:
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Postby Mike Thomason » Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:05 pm

Non-HK stuff...

Chermin (Malaysia) (DVD)
Janji Joni (Indonesia) (DVD)
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Postby Masterofoneinchpunch » Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:22 pm

Brian Thibodeau wrote:...

That said, I'm back in my home town as I write this, and was in the U.S. earlier today. Didn't get any HK stuff this time (just plenty of other discs I can't find in Canada), but I did notice a new Rarescope release called CUB TIGER OF KWAN TUNG, featuring Jackie Chan in what the package says is his first starring role. Apparently this later became MASTER WITH CRACKED FINGERS, but it seems like this version is the original, which might be interesting. It's reasonably priced, as with most in the Rarescope lineup:
http://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml?i ... ay_set=eng

The reviews here make it sound pretty mediocre, but I might grab it on a future visit just to satisfy my curiosity! :D

I bought this online today, so caught up again with Rarescope releases until this double edition http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000WC38PA/ comes out next week.

The deep discount sale should start soon (whoever has the list of codes should post :) Brian?)
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:14 am

The sales just began tonight. 20% off at both Deep Discount and DVD Planet.

DVD Planet Code it 20offsale and can be used as often as you like.

Deep Discount Codes, which can each be used once, are:


Had $200 worth of credit at DVDPlanet, so I went with them this year. They were cheaper on every title I was after anyways, although it's mostly U.S. b-movie stuff. Total order cost me $2.58, which thanks to this scrounge thread, is about all I could afford anyways! :lol:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I bought this online today, so caught up again with Rarescope releases until this double edition http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000WC38PA/ comes out next week.

Considering the quality BCI is stuck with on a lot of these old titles, the double feature always seemed like it might be a better way to go, especially considering the number of labels doing it that way now. (Most of the stuff I bought in the 20% off sale were double-features). Perhaps Rarescope will continue along that path.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On topic, some recent HK purchases:


(have heard bad things about these skipping/sticking, but the place I got them, Warden Music & Movie, mentioned above, has a good return policy if they end up being bad. Plus I used my 20% off card there which brought the prices down considerably.

Also got
NARAKA 19 (posted pix and credits in the additions forum). A just-OK horror flick for younger audiences with an intriguing premise, although the "technological" aspects don't always add up, but I suppose they don't have to once the villain's actual techniques are revealed. As such, it could have used a few more scares and a lot less Charlene, even though hers is a largely silent role. Does she really have to cameo in so many movies?

and a couple of Japanese flicks out of curiosity.
DRIFT II, a super-cheap (even by J-video standards) entry in the never-ending streetracer genre. Actors seem like modestly talented amateurs, and the camera work and production value are pretty barebones. Racing scenes aren't overly exciting, as the cars appear to be moving at the speed limit. There is some actual drifting, but when it's shot without the aid of flashy editing or visual effects, such as it is here, it actually looks like a very boring trick. :lol: Definitely worth skipping.

JAPANESE HELL (1999) Heard a lot about this over the years, and for the most part if lives up to the praise and the criticism. It's not perfect, and most reviews of it seem aware of that, but it has some interesting moments. Strong atmosphere, set design and makeup FX considering the budget, although the deliberate stageiness of certain non-FX scenes is kinda distracting (particularly during the trial sequence). Can't say it has converted me to the Ishii camp, but definitely glad I saw it.
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Postby Mike Thomason » Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:12 am

36 Secrets of Courtship (Hong Kong) (DVD)
Innocent Lust (Hong Kong) (DVD)
Muoi: The Legend of a Portrait (South Korea) (DVD)
The Passion of the Christ (United States) (DVD)*
Samsara (Tibet) (DVD)
Sex for Sale (Hong Kong) (DVD)
Wolf Creek (Australia) (2-DVD)
Women of Desire (Hong Kong) (DVD)

* for the wifey :)
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:17 pm

In case anyone's interested, I found a 2-for-1 pack of the 2-disc SEs of THE PROTECTOR (aka TOM YUM GOONG) and BORN TO FIGHT (both Dragon Dynasty versions) for $14.99 U.S. at Best Buy while shopping in Buffalo, N.Y. on the weekend. Individual versions go for that price too these days, so this puts them at a much more reasonable price point. Perhaps this is a sign the inevitable price drops are in the offing for this line. Considering how dead their release sked has been lately, one wonders if the U.S. market isn't as hungry for this stuff as they thought, or too many people prefer to get these movies when they're first released instead of waiting a year or two (or ten) for the DD versions? I've always said I'd never pay full price for a DD title for a handful of reasons—the most obvious being that I already own everything they've released so far—but this allowed me to at least sell off my unsubbed Thai DVDs of both of these titles for not much more than the cost of a rental (not that subtitles are particularly crucial to either of these...;) ).
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Postby Masterofoneinchpunch » Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:41 pm

At Best Buy I also saw a duo pack of Police Story 1 and Police Story 2 for 15 (I've bought all the DD mentioned earlier :D so when I saw them packaged together :D). I haven't got the latest two (City of Violence and Dog Bite Dog -- skimmed your review Cal :); will read all when I get the dang thing and watch it); not sure what is going on with their web site with no updates in a long time besides Bey's blog. Anyway's here's a link to all the Shaw Brother's titles that DD has: http://hkfilmnews.blogspot.com/2007/11/ ... nasty.html

Newest Asian buys:
Deadly Breaking Sword (HK: 1979) Celestial/Image
Have Sword Will Travel (HK: 1969) Celestial/Image
Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles (China: 2005) R1

tons of non-asian buys recently (finally got The Tingler) :D; will probably get Berlin Alexanderplaz(sp) soon.
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Postby cal42 » Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:32 pm

Have Sword Will Travel can seem a bit slow at first, but I really really liked the last half hour or so :) .

I seem to be building up a bit of a backlog now for Asian films. Right now have (or should have by the weekend):

14 Amazons
House of Traps
The Pirate (old Shaw film)
Sympathy for Mr Vengeance
Iron Angels
Eye in the Sky
Invisible Target
5 Element Ninjas

I've also got My Left Eye Sees Ghosts but I watched about half an hour and thought it was unbearable. Unless anyone convinces me it picks up after that, I'm not going to bother with it. Does anyone have anything good/bad to say about any of the above to recommend/warn me about before I watch them (I've read Mike's review of Invisible Target and decided to go for it)?
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:50 pm

Masterofoneinchpunch wrote:not sure what is going on with their web site with no updates in a long time besides Bey's blog.

Linn Haynes mentioned over at DVDTalk that all is well, apparently, despite missed release dates, lack of updates, etc. Can't say I'm too worried as I've already got everything they've released or plan to release, but for those inclined toward their products, it looks like there will indeed be more to follow.

That Police Story 2-pack is tempting. I need to complete my Brett Ratner commentary collection. If ever there was a reason why Bey Logan should take a break from audio commentaries . . .

tons of non-asian buys recently (finally got The Tingler) :D; will probably get Berlin Alexanderplaz(sp) soon.

THE TINGLER's a classic. Columbia did a really good job with most of it's old William Castle properties. I loved the little "ghost viewer" that came with 13 GHOSTS. Damned thing actually worked! :D

Likewise picked up a lot of non-Asian stuff lately, especially at the DVDPlanet sale. Tempted to list them to give people ideas. :lol:

P.S. That link to Hong Kong Film News blog doesn't seem to work for me, so in case it doesn't for anyone else, these are the Weinstein Shaw titles, all of which I believe have been available for ages now in Hong Kong and other regions:

1 Come drink with me

2 Shaolin temple.

3 The 36th chamber of Shaolin.

4 Killer clans.

5 Disciples of the 36th chamber.

6 One-armed swordsman.

7 Vengeance.

8 The flying guillotine.

9 Mad monkey kung fu.

10 The eight diagram pole fighter.

11 Executioners from Shaolin.

12 Five Shaolin masters.

13 My young auntie.

14 Shaolin mantis.

15 Flying guillotine 2.

16 Golden swallow.

17 Return to the 36th chamber.

18 Crazy Shaolin disciples.

19 Return of the one-armed swordsman.

20 New one-armed swordsman.

21 The chinese boxer.

22 Crippled avengers.

23 The Shaolin avengers.

24 Martial arts of Shaolin. .

25 King boxer.

26 Clan of the white lotus.

27 The avenging eagle

28 The invincible fist.

29 Blood Brothers.

30 Behind the yellow line.

31 The five venoms.

32 Painted faces.

33 Love in a fallen city.

34 The anonymous heroes.

35 Buddha's palm.

36 Heroes of the East.

37 The boxer from Shantung.

38 Monkey kung fu.

39 Boxer rebellion.

40 Dirty Ho.

41 Look out, officer!

42 The mad monk.

43 The angry guest.

44 7-man army.

45 The flying dagger.

46 The savage five.

47 Justice, my foot.

48 Hero.

49 Out of the dark.

50 Starry is the night.

51 The kung-fu instructor.

52 Man of iron.
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Postby dleedlee » Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:06 pm

The Tingler is an nostalgic favorite of mine from TV. I just picked up the old Invaders from Mars, another old TV memory.

Brian, your list is scary long! I'm trying to resist the sales, or at least temper it. I just happened to pick up a few titles from Empire DVD right before the sale. What was I thinking...or forgetting? In fact, I got Giants & Toys from your long ago recommendation, and finally, Better Luck Tomorrow. Also, The Motel and City of Violence (my first DD title, I think).
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Postby Masterofoneinchpunch » Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:13 pm

Brian T wrote:P.S. That link to Hong Kong Film News blog doesn't seem to work for me, so in case it doesn't for anyone else, these are the Weinstein Shaw titles, all of which I believe have been available for ages now in Hong Kong and other regions:

Yea, I added an extra period. I took it off and now the link works. My bad on that one :oops:

Looking forward to The Tinger then (and Have Sword Will Travel).

I also bought "City of Violence" today (along with Berlin ...). Now only missing one DD.
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Postby ewaffle » Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:55 am

cal42 wrote: Sympathy for Mr Vengeance

Does anyone have anything good/bad to say about any of the above to recommend/warn me about before I watch them (I've read Mike's review of Invisible Target and decided to go for it)?

Wonderful movie--extremely bleak, a pre-ordained but still shocking march into hell for everyone involved. Extremely powerful, impeccably done.

For my money the strongest of the Park Chan-wook revenge trilogy.
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:48 am

dleedlee wrote:The Tingler is an nostalgic favorite of mine from TV. I just picked up the old Invaders from Mars, another old TV memory.

Brian, your list is scary long! I'm trying to resist the sales, or at least temper it. I just happened to pick up a few titles from Empire DVD right before the sale. What was I thinking...or forgetting? In fact, I got Giants & Toys from your long ago recommendation, and finally, Better Luck Tomorrow. Also, The Motel and City of Violence (my first DD title, I think).

Oops, I think I may have misled you. That list of Shaw titles is simply the ones the Weinstein company is allegedly releasing in the future, the ones they bought the rights to. That's not a list of recent purchases. I have all of them, but they were amassed slowly and in much more affordable chunks. Your mention of GIANTS & TOYS suddenly has me in the mood to watch it again. Maybe I'll haul it out for the weekend if I'm hankerin' for a Tashlin-style screwball comedy.

At this year's DVDPlanet sale, I've only picked up a bunch of B-movie double features (the MGM Midnite Movies line was relaunched recently! Awesome!), but they were all pretty cheap, and I used up $200 in trade-in credit so the total was only a couple of dollars! I'm leaning towards trading in more stuff in anticipation of the next sale. Much easier to keep recycling at this point!

I doubt these will inspire anyone, but here they are with discounted prices indicated (I'm a B junkie from day one :lol:):

Catalog: MGD008765 (new)
Title: Conqueror Worm (1968)
Qty: 1
Price: $7.77

Catalog: FXD045974 (new)
Title: Gorilla at Large / Mystery at Monster Island (1954/1981)
Qty: 1
Price: $7.94

Catalog: MGD008764 (new)
Title: H.G. Wells' The Food of the Gods (1976)
Qty: 1
Price: $7.98

Catalog: FXD045978 (new)
Title: Midnite Movies Double Feature - A Blueprint for Murder (1953)/Man in the Attic (1953)
Qty: 1
Price: $7.96

Catalog: FXD045968 (new)
Title: Midnite Movies Double Feature - Chosen Survivors/The Earth Dies Screaming (1965/1974)
Qty: 1
Price: $7.96

Catalog: FXD045976 (new)
Title: Midnite Movies Double Feature - Devils of Darkness/Witchcraft (1964/1965)
Qty: 1
Price: $7.96

Catalog: FXD045972 (new)
Title: Midnite Movies Double Feature - Tales from the Crypt (1972)/Vault of Horror (1972/1973)
Qty: 1
Price: $7.96

Catalog: FXD045970 (new)
Title: Midnite Movies Double Feature - The House on Skull Mountain/The Mephisto Waltz (1971/1974)
Qty: 1
Price: $7.94

Catalog: MGD008637 (new)
Title: Midnite Movies Double Feature - The Phantom From 10,000 Leagues/The Beast With 1,000,000 Eyes
Qty: 1
Price: $7.98

Catalog: MGD008643 (new)
Title: Midnite Movies Double Feature - The Return of Dracula/The Vampire (1958)
Qty: 1
Price: $7.98

Catalog: MGD008634 (new)
Title: Yongary, Monster From The Deep/Konga (1961/1967 )
Qty: 1
Price: $7.98

Catalog: BHV047963 (new)
Title: Welcome To The Grindhouse: Malibu High/Trip with the Teacher
Qty: 1
Price: $6.73

Catalog: BHV047976 (new)
Title: Welcome to the Grindhouse - The Beach Girls/ Coach
Qty: 1
Price: $7.18

Catalog: BHV047883 (new)
Title: Welcome to the Grindhouse - Pick-Up/The Teacher (1975/1974)
Qty: 1
Price: $6.36

Catalog: BHV047884 (new)
Title: Welcome to the Grindhouse - Black Candles/Evil Eye (1982/1974)
Qty: 1
Price: $6.36

Catalog: BHV047966 (new)
Title: Welcome to the Grindhouse - The Hellcats/ Chain Gang Women
Qty: 1
Price: $7.18

Catalog: WBD014521 (new)
Title: Cult Camp Classics Vol. 1
Qty: 1
Price: $16.77

Catalog: WBD014522 (new)
Title: Cult Camp Classics Vol. 2 - Women in Peril
Qty: 1
Price: $16.77

Catalog: WBD014512 (new)
Title: Zero Hour
Qty: 1
Price: $7.96

Catalog: SHF010377 (new)
Title: The Film Crew - Wild Women of Wongo
Qty: 1
Price: $10.37

Catalog: SHF010379 (new)
Title: The Film Crew: Killers From Space
Qty: 1
Price: $10.37

Catalog: SHF010378 (new)
Title: The Film Crew: Giant Of Marathon
Qty: 1
Price: $10.38

Catalog: SON010364 (new)
Title: Film Crew - Hollywood After Dark (1968)
Qty: 1
Price: $9.69
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Postby dleedlee » Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:17 pm

Geez, now my reading comprehension is going! :shock:

Yep, your real list is _much_ shorter. :lol:
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:46 pm

dleedlee wrote:Geez, now my reading comprehension is going! :shock:

Oh, don't be too down, grandpa. There's tapioca pudding for dessert! Mmmmm.

Yep, your real list is _much_ shorter. :lol:

I ordered 6 more cheapies last night too, but since those came out of my wallet, that's my limit this time around. :lol: Same kinda stuff (Midnite, grindhouse). When I think that I could've bought some Criterions instead of all this junk. . . :(
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Postby dleedlee » Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:56 pm

Oh, don't be too down, grandpa. There's tapioca pudding for dessert! Mmmmm.

Get off my lawn!

ordered 6 more cheapies last night too, but since those came out of my wallet, that's my limit this time around. Same kinda stuff (Midnite, grindhouse). When I think that I could've bought some Criterions instead of all this junk.

Somewhere along the line, I invoked a secret rule to myself that my purchases had to meet a Repeatability Test: Am I going to want to watch this more than once? That, nominally, keeps me in check, except when I forget the rule. Everything is worth seeing at least once, if only to calibrate one's own tastes. But my eyeballs are getting into the high mileage range and I simply have to be more discriminate anymore. Otherwise, I'd be mining those B and C-grade goodies like you, Brian. :cry:
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:28 am

Somewhere along the line, I invoked a secret rule to myself that my purchases had to meet a Repeatability Test: Am I going to want to watch this more than once? That, nominally, keeps me in check, except when I forget the rule. Everything is worth seeing at least once, if only to calibrate one's own tastes. But my eyeballs are getting into the high mileage range and I simply have to be more discriminate anymore. Otherwise, I'd be mining those B and C-grade goodies like you, Brian. :cry:

I hear ya! I'm have to be careful too. If it wasn't for trade-ins I made back in the summer and fall, I probably would've had to stear clear of the sales this year (my grand total out-of-pocket was about $35, not too shabby). I really was contemplating some Criterions (PLAYTIME, HOUSE OF GAMES, CRUSOE ON MARS, TOKYO STORY and possible upgrades of THIRD MAN and the anamorphic version of BRAZIL) but the call of the drive-in was just too strong this time. I've rarely been let down by MGM's Midnite Movies series so I didn't mind going a bit nuts on those (I've seen a handful of them, but that's it) and the BCI's Welcome To The Grindhouse collection has a lot of gems from the Crown International library, many of which a buddy and I wasted many a Saturday watching back in college.

It is difficult to draw the line sometimes. I've gotten much closer in recent years to having my "ideal" core collection, so most of my available movie money these days goes to the HK cinema addiction. Lowered prices and sales can allow a few blind buys, and in my case if the movie has no repeat value, it's almost immediately relisted on Amazon.ca (where I often make more on it than I paid in the states) or tossed in a future trade-in box destined for DVDplanet if their price is right. Outside of the Hong Kong stuff, though, I've slowly been breaking my old habits as there are two really well-stocked indie DVD rental places on my way home from work that carry a lot of esoteric stuff most of us here would probably enjoy, so I've moved a LOT of former online wishlist titles to a "rent it" list now that I know these places exist. It might be awhile before I can start using them in earnest, but it was a relief to find them. :D
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Postby Bearserk » Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:42 pm

My latest batch which arrived yesterday :)


Naked Comes the Huntress - (1978) Compelling title :P Needs some more information.
And Now What's Your Name - (1984) Romantic movie with Kenny Bee and Michelle Lai.
Spider Woman - (1995) I have to check if this one really can be as awful as the reviews tries to make it, featuring Michael Wong, Jade Leung and Emily Kwan.
The Woman Behind - (1995) Lily Chung Cat.3 flick.
Sensual Pleasures - (1978) More Shaw Brothers nudity :)
The Pier - (1983) A strange comedy that shouldn't have been made according to the review, I Have to check it out :P
Under the Rose - (1992) Documentary with James Wong and Veronica Choi, hopefully it is something in the same venue as James Wong in Japan and Korea.
Endless Passion - (1992) Think I spotted one of my unknowns among the images already in the DB, so had to have this one :D
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Postby Masterofoneinchpunch » Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:57 pm

Brian Thibodeau wrote: ...
I really was contemplating some Criterions (PLAYTIME, HOUSE OF GAMES, CRUSOE ON MARS, TOKYO STORY and possible upgrades of THIRD MAN and the anamorphic version of BRAZIL) but the call of the drive-in was just too strong this time. I've rarely been let down by MGM's Midnite Movies series so I didn't mind going a bit nuts on those (I've seen a handful of them, but that's it) and the BCI's Welcome To The Grindhouse collection has a lot of gems from the Crown International library, many of which a buddy and I wasted many a Saturday watching back in college.


I've debated on getting the BCI grindhouse DVDs; I saw a few Best Buy exclusive sets for the midnite movies last time I went. I will get some of the midnite but I've been trying to get more Boris Karloff films/sets that I do not own (I got Scarface last weekend :)). I want PLAYTIME since I have the other two Criterion Tatis (I also want House of Games, but then I want all the Criterions). The extras on THE THIRD MAN DVD are definitely worth it and the transfer is quite good; I still haven't listened to the commentaries. I have listened to the commentary on CRUSOE ON MARS though and it was quite fun especially since one of the writers complains about basically everything.

FYI: four Criterions have gone OOP recently (though I know they are trying to get the rights back): Variety Lights, Quai des Orfevres, Le Corbeau, and Port of Shadows.

Picked up "Battle Warrior" (Thailand: 1996): This looks like "Spirited Killer" in the way that I know Jaa is not the main character and Panna Rittikrai is probably the stunt coordinator/actor.
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Postby Masterofoneinchpunch » Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:00 pm

Brian Thibodeau wrote:...

That said, I'm back in my home town as I write this, and was in the U.S. earlier today. Didn't get any HK stuff this time (just plenty of other discs I can't find in Canada), but I did notice a new Rarescope release called CUB TIGER OF KWAN TUNG, featuring Jackie Chan in what the package says is his first starring role. Apparently this later became MASTER WITH CRACKED FINGERS, but it seems like this version is the original, which might be interesting. It's reasonably priced, as with most in the Rarescope lineup:
http://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml?i ... ay_set=eng

The reviews here make it sound pretty mediocre, but I might grab it on a future visit just to satisfy my curiosity! :D

After watching this last night I can also attend to its mediocrity :D (actually there are a few parallels to Fearless Hyena II). Jackie said it was not complete in his autobiography, but the movie appears finished (a bit disjointed, but complete; more complete than Dirty Ho :D).
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Postby cal42 » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:35 am

ewaffle wrote:
cal42 wrote: Sympathy for Mr Vengeance

Does anyone have anything good/bad to say about any of the above to recommend/warn me about before I watch them (I've read Mike's review of Invisible Target and decided to go for it)?

Wonderful movie--extremely bleak, a pre-ordained but still shocking march into hell for everyone involved. Extremely powerful, impeccably done.

For my money the strongest of the Park Chan-wook revenge trilogy.

Thanks, I'll move that up the list then :) .
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Postby Mike Thomason » Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:39 am

Blood Brothers (China) (DVD)*
The Detective (Hong Kong) (DVD)
Exodus (Hong Kong) (DVD)
Temptation of Eve: Angel (South Korea) (DVD)
Temptation of Eve: A Good Wife (South Korea) (DVD)
Temptation of Eve: Her Own Technique (South Korea) (DVD)
Temptation of Eve: Kiss (South Korea) (DVD)

* I notice that some clever DB soul had the fortuity to pre-empt future economic conditions and declare Shanghai a country of its own in relation to this title. I guess, for the geographically challenged, it's only a matter of time...
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Postby cal42 » Sat Nov 24, 2007 10:45 pm

Should be coming soon to Cal Island:

The Detective (2007)
Osaka Wrestling Restaurant

And as I purchased from Yesasia, I will no doubt get a free film with no English subtitles that I'll give away free to my language swap friend. Hurrah!

Yes, it does seem that my kung fu phase has come to an end at long last.
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Sat Nov 24, 2007 11:34 pm

Mike Thomason wrote:* I notice that some clever DB soul had the fortuity to pre-empt future economic conditions and declare Shanghai a country of its own in relation to this title. I guess, for the geographically challenged, it's only a matter of time...

Our list of available countries of origin certainly include some odd choices (at least in regard's to today's cinema), several of which are not countries (Beijing, San Fran, NYC :?). I'd bet that list has been in place far longer than many of us have been contributing, too. Perhaps the original intent was a list of filming locations, but since they couldn't be given their own menu, well... But at least we've got a heads-up now. The whole listing's a bit barren, really.
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:54 am

cal42 wrote:Osaka Wrestling Restaurant

Interesting choice. I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Don't know what the consensus is, and when I bought it, there weren't any reviews to peruse yet, so it was kind of a blind buy. Wayne Lai is such an underrated actor; he's quite good in this.

From my U.S. mailbox earlier today, some ebay wins:

CRIME STORY (Dragon Dynasty) won for 99¢, no other bids :shock:
DRAGON SQAUD (Dragon Dynasty) likewise won for 99¢, even though I already have the HK edition. Figured for a buck, I'll see which one's better (as better as can be, anyways), then make a little money selling off the other one.
PERHAPS LOVE (Tai Seng). Not fond of Tai Seng product usually, but again, for 99¢, it was just too easy. I think I already have the import, but gotta do some digging when I get back home. Might be another comparison test down the road, or maybe I won't like it and I can sell both of 'em! :lol:

and a couple of pieces of schlock, also won from the same ebay seller to save on shipping:

PLANET OF THE DINOSAURS (1978; Retromedia). Got this relatively new release for $1.86. Weird that I'd actually have to compete for something like this and not the titles above... Includes a commentary and some old Willis O'Brien silent short films. Might be interesting...
SCI-FI TRASH-O-RAMA (Various, Retromedia). Snagged this for the exorbitant sum of just over two dollars, which might be what it's worth. :lol: Three z-grade programmers on one disc: CREATURE OF DESTRUCTION (1967), FLYING SAUCER MYSTERY (1950), and UFO TARGET EARTH (1974, been wanting to see this piece o' junk for ages! I think I have issues). Also contains some old toy commercials as a bonus feature.
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Postby Bearserk » Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:11 pm


Just ordered

Amazing Stories - (1994) a fine blend of soft-core sex, gratuitous violence and high flying super kung fu, according to the review entered by Crawford :)
Killing Rose - (1996) Charlie Cho movie, which I bought to add to my collection of Wong Ngon movies.
Cafe Shop - (XXXX) Helena Law Lan and Elvis Tsui movie which seems to be missing from the DB.
Chasing the Killer in Vietnam - (2000) Trying to gather more Taiwanese movies in an attempt to make more ID's
Dangers Love - (XXX) Chinese movie I think, will have to check when I get it.
Dragon Reloaded - (2005) Comedy with Ronald Cheng and Sam Lee where they have been kind enough to include roles in the credits.
Dance of the Drunk Mantis - (1979) Yuen Wo-Ping movie, sounds like fun according to the reviews.
Friday Gigolo - (1992) More smut for the collection :D This one starring Simon Yam and Mondi Yau. And once again I find that STSH has already seen it. I feel like I'm playing catch up :lol:
The Fruit is Ripe 2005 - (2005) Trying to cash in one the much better The Fruit is Ripe from 1999 :roll:
He Lives By Night - (1982) Horror comedy by the sound of the reviews.
HK Tourist in Bangkok - (XXXX) Not quite sure what this is either, so will just have to wait and see :)
Indecent Beast - (XXXX) Stuart Ong and Gwok Yee-Lee movie. Seems to be missing from the DB.
Internet Mirage - (1999) Another Charlie Cho movie, he sure has been in a lot of smut :D
A Jealous Sister - (XXXX) Elvis Tsui and Gloria Yip movie which seems to be missing from the DB.
Kidnap - (2007) Decided to put something new in here to, despite the rather damaging review
Killing Thriller - (XXXX) Cheap Taiwanese movie
Killing Wife - (XXXX) Another one
Men and Women - (1999) Prize winning movie missing from the DB
Millennium Dragon - (1999) Yuen Biao which had been slaughtered in the reviews
Mo Dong Wang - (XXXX) More Cat.3 stuff
Mr Cinema - (2007) Anthony Wong, Karen Mok and Ronald Cheng comedy
On the Mountain of Tai Hang - (2005) Needed this one to check an ID
Operation Pink Squad - (1988) This one seems to be right up my alley
Run For Life - Ladies From China - (1993) Pauline Chan drama from the early 90s
Sex Games - (XXXX) Taiwanese movie missing from the DB
Sex of an Actress / City Sexual Hunting - (XXXX) Double feature, hopefully movies, but I wouldn't be surprised if they where just skin flicks with no acting :(
She is Not a Woman - (XXXX) Mondi Yau and Ben Ng movie which is missing from the DB.
Step By Step - (XXXX) Robert Mak Tak-Law and Charlie Cho movie. Another movie that seems to be missing from the DB.
Stooges in Tokyo - (1992) James Wong adult comedy in the same venue as the Going to Korea movie.
Stooges in Hong Kong - (1993) Another one :)
The Strange Bedfellow - (1986) Eric Tsang Sci-Fi movie with Goo Ga-Lau in a small role :D
To Spy With Love - (1990) Action Comedy with Sibelle, Elsie and Amy, who can resist :D
The Wild Goose Chase - (1990) Another James Wong and Elsie Chan movie.
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:13 pm

I cry just a little bit each time you post in this thread, Bearserk. So many goodies that I've yet to find (or find the money to buy). :cry: So how do Norwegian winters compare to Canadian ones? Lots of time to watch all that stuff?

And here I thought I was making progress recently when I made a trade with our own Teddy Wong for some stuff he was surprised I'd be interested in (but shouldn't have been :lol:). Just picked these up on the weekend. They will come in handy, believe it or not:

(actually had this years ago, but needed it again for one little scene :roll:)
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Postby Bearserk » Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:05 pm

Brian Thibodeau wrote:I cry just a little bit each time you post in this thread, Bearserk. So many goodies that I've yet to find (or find the money to buy). :cry: So how do Norwegian winters compare to Canadian ones? Lots of time to watch all that stuff?

It's surprising what one can find digging into all the old stuff at the large online movie sites, it just takes some time.
Cold, but not so much snow at the moment, which is kind of a drag as I want lots of nice powdery snow I can take pictures off, while I'm hauling my fat ass around the mountains :lol:
Not so much time right now unfortunately, finals to read for, but will start my holiday the 13th, so then I will have some time to watch movies and run around in the hills trying to improve my meager photography skills.

Brian Thibodeau wrote:And here I thought I was making progress recently when I made a trade with our own Teddy Wong for some stuff he was surprised I'd be interested in (but shouldn't have been :lol:). Just picked these up on the weekend. They will come in handy, believe it or not:

(actually had this years ago, but needed it again for one little scene :roll:)

Ah, got several movies there that I would have loved to add to my collection :) And what scene in Paramount Hotel are you talking about, you're making me curious :lol:
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:51 pm

Bearserk wrote: Ah, got several movies there that I would have loved to add to my collection :)

Hmmm . . . 8)

Bearserk wrote:And what scene in Paramount Hotel are you talking about, you're making me curious :lol:

It's the scene at the very end with Simon Loui and either Pinky Cheung or Ada Choi walking down the street (can't remember which girl). I won't spoil it for anyone reading, but if you've seen it, you remember what happens. Nothing spectacular, I just need the scene for a project I've been given.
Last edited by Brian Thibodeau on Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cal42 » Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:34 pm

Brian Thibodeau wrote:
cal42 wrote:Osaka Wrestling Restaurant

Interesting choice. I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Don't know what the consensus is, and when I bought it, there weren't any reviews to peruse yet, so it was kind of a blind buy. Wayne Lai is such an underrated actor; he's quite good in this.

Yeah, you left a message about it in response to my Bio-Zombie review. I've been seeing a lot of Wayne Lai in stuff lately and it reminded me what you said so I went for it.
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