OLD BOY goes Bollywood!

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OLD BOY goes Bollywood!

Postby Brian Thibodeau » Thu Nov 03, 2005 3:46 pm

Got this from a post over at Koreanfilm.org.

It's called ZINDA, and from the looks of this trailer, it's virtually a scene-for-scene remake. Apparently it even has a musical number (probably one of those flashy, fleshy dance numbers more common in new Indian cinema)

Believe it or not, I'd really like to see this. Not sure how that culture looks upon depictions of the taboos featured in OLD BOY (which I won't mention for the sake of those who still haven't seen it), or IF they'll include them at all, but it looks like fun nonetheless! And is it just me, or is the music in this trailer from one of the MATRIX movies?

I read somewhere a long time ago that Indian filmmakers don't always by the remake rights, and instead just take whatever they need to supply the monstrous demand for entertainment in that country. When a movie hews THIS CLOSELY to the original, though, you gotta wonder...


The link should download a file to your desktop (at least it did on mine). I had to change the suffix to "rm" to get it to play in Realplayer, but you may have to do less work.
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Brian Thibodeau
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