Had to split this over two forums, as this question belongs here.
In the database credits for Fatal Love (1988)
http://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml?i ... ay_set=eng
We have Cheung Choi Mei
http://hkmdb.com/db/people/view.mhtml?i ... ay_set=eng
credited as "Pow's girlfriend".
The character in question is called "Mann" in the English subtitles (per "Man" on the Cantonese soundtrack), but if the picture of the actress in question linked to on Cheung Choi Mei's page is correct, then we have a small case of mistaken identity! Here are some images of the actress who plays Man (Pow's girlfriend), straight from the film...
Anyone know who this actress actually is? She looks strangely familiar to me...
Thanks in advance,