Id's needed for Tiger vs Dragon (1972)

All requests to identify actors in images.

Id's needed for Tiger vs Dragon (1972)

Postby heinz Germany » Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:52 am

Added 36 Pics (with 27 actors) from Tiger vs Dragon (1972) at ... ay_set=eng

edited role names and added 2 former Shaw actors: Chow Siu-Loi (once more forgotten - in THE VALIANT ONES too) and Ling Hon (1)
still have 6 unidentified actors - I believe at least 3 of them should be familar faces....

Hope somebody likes them (BTW: Terrible bootleg-DVD with green stripes over the screen and worse sound) Haven't thought the pictures will turn out not so bad as expected...
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heinz Germany
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