14 Amazons

All requests to identify actors in images.

14 Amazons

Postby heinz Germany » Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:07 am

Couldn't enter Betty Ting Pei's Chinese Role Name because the character 瓊 (qiong2) is not in the database yet. Her full chinese role name is 黃瓊女 - I couldn't enter Ricky Hui's chinese role too (番將)
Added (A big thank to Editor-assistant FAN who wrote the chinese credits) 9 actors (3 are NEW)
Out of 66 cast entries now is only actor (or actress?) Lu Ai Hua left without rolenames (E/Ch).
In Chinese are 5 role names missing (2 real case + Lu Ai Hua again and those two mentioned above)
Removed all my old screencaptures ( huge work) to prepare the upload of the remastered captures and added 2 poster
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Postby heinz Germany » Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:54 pm

Added a few portraits (120) :P lots of IDs waiting (how about those female soldiers) and the complete crew credits
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