Sam Aan split

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Sam Aan split

Postby STSH » Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:18 am

ID 15576 looks far too young to have made a film in 1965, given that her two other films were in the early 1980s.

Any objections to a split ?
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Postby dleedlee » Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:12 pm

According to the HKFA 沈雁 was born in 1959. Not having seen Song Fest, I think it's newly released Shaw title, it's possible she was a child actress. Her role is listed as 杏花/Xing Hua.
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Postby STSH » Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:18 am

dleedlee wrote:According to the HKFA 沈雁 was born in 1959. Not having seen Song Fest, I think it's newly released Shaw title, it's possible she was a child actress. Her role is listed as 杏花/Xing Hua.

Anyone who has seen it, please advise. That's good enough to leave it.

Also added movies
* Pathetic Heart
* Undated Wedding

- both Sam Aan films, which had been on my to-add list for some years.

Some minor crew and cast + unlisted not added.
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