Research for the most entailed Kung Fu Cinema Book ever!

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Research for the most entailed Kung Fu Cinema Book ever!

Postby ebonysbud » Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:24 am

Hi All,
As it says in the subject field "I am starting research for the most entailed Kung Fu Cinema Book ever". This will take years to put together and it seems sites like this are a great place to start. Any and all help will be welcomed and credited. Not sure if anyone will even read this but i figured this would be a good way of knowing. So let's see if anyone knows this:
Trying to find the a.k.a.'s and/or the proper names of some stars in "The 36 crazy fist". Also if anyone knows what part they are playing that would be really helpful. Ok here goes.....
1.Chen Lui
2.Li Wen Tai
3.Pe Sha Li
4.Ma Han Yuan
5.Hsieh Ti
Also, is Sham Chin-bo in this movie and if so what part is he playing?

So there you have it. I have my fingers crossed that someone will be able to help me on this. Thanks in advance!!

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can no one help

Postby ebonysbud » Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:19 am

Can no one help with these ID's from 36 crazy fist?

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Postby Gaijin84 » Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:31 am

According to our listed credits they pretty much are all monks in the movie and Li Wen Tai is an abbot. Until someone disects this movie more completely that's all about I can give you. I'll try and get a copy and help out more in the future.
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