ID Me: Angry River, The (1971)

All requests to identify actors in images.

ID Me: Angry River, The (1971)

Postby heinz Germany » Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:02 pm

added 15 pics and 2 ID's (Shan Mao & Yam Ho) plus lots of crew credits (plus crew credit scans just in case somebody want to check they are right and maybe still some not added yet) at ... ay_set=eng
Still those bunch of 4 bandits who kill Feng Yi are all not ID - I've made 2 pics of each actor
Pic 225308+338 looks like Lam Fai-Wong ?
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Postby Michael Kistner » Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:24 am

Added Cham Siu-Hung.
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Postby calros » Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:37 pm

Your "executive producer" is not correct. It is "production manager", changed and changed person. I am almost sure they are different people.

Can you tell me why do you add cinematographer Cheung Yiu Jo as "assistant action director"? :? OK, he is assistant... cinematographer. Removed.

Added art dir.
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Postby heinz Germany » Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:24 am

Can you tell me why do you add cinematographer Cheung Yiu Jo as "assistant action director"? OK, he is assistant... cinematographer. Removed.

Yeah - I can - I did not do on purpose but it happened accedently since I guess when I had scroll down to reach the update button I scrolled the job (it happened many times but most of the times I noticed it)
s**t happens... :P
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Postby calros » Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:23 pm


OK but remember that "assistant cinematographers" are not listed in our DB. If we add this job in our DB we should add also assistant editors, assistant art directors, assistant costume designers, assistant producers etc. and I think they are not important jobs.

The only assistants allowed in our DB are directors and action directors.
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Postby heinz Germany » Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:17 pm

I see - maybe I didn't look carefully enough for that chinese character
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