ID Me: Innocent Killer 無罪的殺手 (China, 1988)

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ID Me: Innocent Killer 無罪的殺手 (China, 1988)

Postby heinz Germany » Sun Sep 19, 2021 12:45 pm

Myaybe I failed to iD more since I missed some rolenames sadly, anyhow not easy without subs for a Gweilo ... ay_set=eng
There are plenty of crew captures not transferred to the credits (I gave up, anybody who's chinese is better want to solve it?) Thank You anyhow
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heinz Germany
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Re: ID Me: Innocent Killer 無罪的殺手 (China, 1988)

Postby yukabacera » Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:24 am

Tagged Li Zhen, Jin Shuyuan and Lu Jinlong. (the credit in this movie says 陸龍 while the entry in our DB is 陸龍 - not sure if they're the same person or not, didn't check the other movie) I also replaced your Chen Qiang with Shi Kefu.
This should be the character played by Chen Qiang, but it's clearly not Chen Qiang (2).
This is likely Lin Ping.

I added some of the missing credits as well. Thanks for doing another gallery for a Mainland movie.
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Re: ID Me: Innocent Killer 無罪的殺手 (China, 1988)

Postby heinz Germany » Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:46 am

Thank You for the helping hand, I suppose You are right with the various actors. I am not familiar with them.
I did not add that movie and don't recall every detail now (seems I have some memory gaps issue lately)
Sorry me bad memory, I thought that was one of Carlos many mainland movies, but actually I added that one myself because
the movie made me curious...
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