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Lee I Min has arrived

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 12:29 am
I've added this action hero. It took awhile, mainly because Lee's middle name is a torturously difficult character.<br><br>Can some kind soul who reads Chinese check it ? My Cantonese pronounciation dictionary says this char is pronounced "Ngai", and the staff at the Chinese video shop confirm this, but the character matched here on the Db comes up as "Aau".<br><br>For comparison, Lee I Min's chinese name appears at the top far left of this poster -> <br><a href=" 1977-1-b.jpg">Magnificent Wanderers</a><br><br>or go to <br> 1977-en.shtml<br><br>and click on the thumbnail (small pic)

Re: Lee I Min has arrived

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 12:15 am
by pjshimmer
The characters are most likely correct. They all match the pronounciations I'm familiar with.<br><br>

Re: Lee I Min has arrived

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 10:43 pm
Does that mean hkmdb's pronouciation of Aau is wrong ?<br><br>There are a few funny errors in the canto pronounciations. For instance, "Fa" (meaning "Flower") is transliterated as "Dut".<br><br>

Re: Lee I Min has arrived

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 12:50 am
by pjshimmer
All I know is, Lee Yi Min is in fact the exact pronounciation of his name. In Mandarin it is Li Yi Ming. I can't think of how AAU would even come close.<br><br>

Re: Lee I Min has arrived

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 4:35 am
*puzzled*<br>The people at my main video pronounced his name as "Lei Ngai Man". Are they speaking some sort of sub-dialect, or does Cantonese allow for the same char pronouced as Ngai or Yi ?<br><br>

Re: Lee I Min has arrived

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 5:11 am
by pjshimmer
Well, I'd leave Ngai out of the database (until a more authoritive figure confirms this anyway) just because nobody can be sure of it.<br><br>BTW, the link to the Magnificent Wanderers poster doesn't seem to be working

Re: Lee I Min has arrived

PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2001 6:31 am
Don't know what's happening there. The address is deinitely correct, but it changes when pasted in. Dave, any ideas ?<br><br>Try the thumbnail link I added above. If not, then go the long way (i.e. start with the B&W Ad link and lookup the title).<br><br>