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Proposed cast deletions

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 4:08 pm
by Bruce
The following cast items are erroneous, and unless someone objects, I think they should be deleted in one week:<br><br>Wong Hang Sau is not in Boxer's Adventure (1979) <br>Fung Ngai is not in Scorching Sun, Fierce Winds, and Wild Fire<br>Suen Ga Lam is not in Blood Child <br>Fung Ngai is not in Stoner<br>Gam Dai is not in Back Alley Princes<br>Polly Kuan is not in Incredible Kung Fu Mission<br>(This last error may be due to the fact that in the dubbed version of this film, Alexander Lo is credited as "Shang Kuan Lung".)<br><br><br>

Re: Proposed cast deletions

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 2:30 am
by mpongpun
Wong Hang Sau is definately not in Boxer's Adventure. I've deleted her and added some other info.<br><br>FEng Yi is the doctor in the beginning of SToner making the "drugs".<br><br>I know Feng Yi wasn't in Scorching Sun. so I deleted him.<br><br>I deleted Polly from Incredible Kung Fu Mission.<br><br>I'll watch Blood Child soon and I'll watch Back Alley. I am pretty sure he is in it, but we'll see.<br><br>Silver Fox

Re: Proposed cast deletions

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2001 9:39 am
re - Blood Child.<br>Not sure how useful this is, but I added Suen Ga Lam to that one. The info was sourced from a video shop catalogue for a movie whose Chinese title is Blood Twin, which matches the movie BlooD Child.<br><br>I haven't yet seen this movie, however I have found this particular catalogue to be, if not 100% accurate, at least a very good indication.<br><br>However, if anyone knows for sure that Suen is not in it, I've no objection to deletion.<br><br>