Mega Base Technology

Additions and modifications to the database

Mega Base Technology

Postby yukabacera » Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:54 pm

This company has a lot of 'Filming' credits for a bunch of old movies. I'm not sure why they were added like this and I'm going to remove them since this company only released those movies on VCD. Now that we have the recordings feature, I can add that information there instead.

Also, their English name is actually Maga (not Mega) Base, so I'll change that too.
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Re: Mega Base Technology

Postby bkasten » Mon Apr 05, 2021 1:45 pm

At least for now, keep the incorrect name as an alias as well. It could indeed be plain wrong, or it could have been a misspelling in a credit (in which case we would still cite the misspelt name). (And I know we all know this, just restating for clarity)
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Re: Mega Base Technology

Postby Chen Hung Lieh » Sat Oct 29, 2022 7:57 pm

Thanks to Youtube, I was able to correct the filming company in four movies:
Police Love Affairs (2005)
Maga Base -> K. L. P. H.

Mysterious Hole (2004)
Maga Base -> Milkway Entertainment Development, Ltd.
(also removed Milkway from Production Companies, only english credits say "produced" while chinese credits say 攝製)

Vampire Reborn (2003)
Maga Base -> Milkway Entertainment Development, Ltd.
(also removed Milkway from Production Companies, only english credits say "produced" while chinese credits say 攝製)

Fantasy of Hero (2001)
Maga Base - > K. L. P. H.

I'm going to delete the remaining filming company credits of Maga Base Technology:

The White Dragon (1968)
The Dragon Fortress (1968)
Three Encounters (1969)
Modern School Life (1970)
The Money-Tree (1973)
Enjoy Longevity-300 Years (1975)
The Big Family (1976)
Massage Girls (1976)
Two on the Road (1980)
Once Upon a Time in 2040 (1993)
The Prisoner (2002)
Kung Fu Police (2003)

As for the three production company credits, I have no idea. There are DVD pictures naming Maga Base as distributor, but I can't check what movie credits say.

I don't believe the alias "Mega Base" exists. On my few discs they have a permanent logo which only appears on the cover, not on the disc, neither before nor after the movie. But even if the company is misspelled "Mega Base" somewhere, there's no reason to omit the actual and most used name, that's why I think it was just a typo.
Chen Hung Lieh
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