The Horrified Dream and Dangerous Touch

Additions and modifications to the database

The Horrified Dream and Dangerous Touch

Postby yukabacera » Tue Aug 03, 2021 6:23 pm

Our entry for the video movie The Horrified Dream currently lists the aliases Dangerous Touch (亡命CID) and a VCD cover for that movie. I assume they were linked because both the Dangerous Touch VCD cover and the one for The Horrified Dream (which we also have a picture of) feature some identical photos of the actors. has a Chinese plot description for the Dangerous Touch VCD: wrote:莫西是一位因破獲多件兇案而成名的督察,印妮是一電臺節目主持人。巨星貝勞在匡導演的攝製組中因吸毒而死,接著影評人夏娜亦發現被人勒死,在莫為此連環兇殺案懊惱之時,突然接到一自稱兇手的老人來電自首,揚言要在印妮節目播放他的心聲……

This story doesn't match The Horrified Dream, but it does match another movie from the same producer that we have listed: CID龍虎鬥
The title card of CID龍虎鬥 is different from the style of the rest of the opening credits, whereas the title card and credits do match in all other New Sea City productions I've seen. Based on all of that, I believe that CID龍虎鬥 is actually a retitled Dangerous Touch (亡命CID), and I'm going to change the titles and move the image to the other entry soon if nobody objects.
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