The Son of Swordsman (1970) Aliases, flyer, release date

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The Son of Swordsman (1970) Aliases, flyer, release date

Postby Chen Hung Lieh » Sun Nov 06, 2022 5:02 pm ... ay_set=eng

Added two Aliases from a Singapore flyer:
Superior of Swordsman / 絕代劍王

Added a "The" to the main title according on-screen title

Changed the year from 1969 to 1970 and the release date 01/09/1970 (belongs to KING OF KINGS) into 04/15/1970 according this site: ... height=500

This Singapore flyer mistakenly ended up in SUPERIOR DARTER and needs to be moved to SON [Edit: Done]: ... ay_set=eng

This Alias I will delete soon if no one deletes it before me [Edit: Done]:
It belongs to "KING OF KINGS"

Does anyone have information about this alias?
Some online sites link it to SON OF SWORDSMAN without visual evidence. Two Taiwanese books link this title to SORROWFUL TO A GHOST without visual evidence either. It is also listed in another book about Kuo linking this title to nothing but the year 1969, while the same book offers full pages about SON and SORROWFUL with other (verified) titles except the one in question. I can't find any visual evidence of its existence. There is however visual evidence that SORROWFUL was titled 萬王之劍 in Singapore (which is mentionend in none of the three books), maybe the characters 劍 and 王 have been accidentally reversed and so it became a mystery forcing others to guess where it belongs to?
Chen Hung Lieh
HKMDB Editor
Posts: 307
Joined: Sat Aug 01, 2020 12:58 pm
Location: Germany

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