Though not part of the Big 4, Choe Hwa-seop will be a familiar face to fans of Korean action cinema. He had not yet been visually ID'd and his few HKMDB credits were split between 2 pages, one for Choe Hwa-seop and one for Choe Ha-seop. Easy to see why this happened as there are some Korean names that seem to drop a letter from time to time, the most common being an R before a Y is sometimes dropped, so Ryong can be Yong for example. So I merged the pages (which only had 2 or each so it didn't take long) and added the missing films that I've seen him in.
Anyway, I've updated his basic info, mostly just adding the alias' that were on the deleted page, as there's very little info on him, not even his DOB
Credits added:
The 18 Amazones [1979] --- actor
Duel Of The Tough [1981] --- actor
Sheng Tiao Hero [1982] --- actor
Deadly Shaolin Longfist [1982] --- actor [2roles]
Fire Lord [1983] --- actor
Ninja Hunter [1984] --- actor
Full Metal Ninja [1988] --- actor
To see his ID's please go to "Choe Hwa-seop - IDs" in the Actor Identification section.