Pretty Girl (1987) Titles ... ay_set=eng
Couldn't find a source of the english title "Pretty Girl" or the current chinese title 紅粉情佳人, but there's a Mei Ah laserdisc with the title 紅粉俏佳人. I guess 俏 was confused with 情 and Pretty Girl sounds like a rough translation of that title.
The Taiwan title should be 芳草碧連天, according Taiwan poster and Golden Horse Arward information. It can be watched online and the on-screen title is "Love Is Grown with Flower". According Golden Horse website, the first english title might have been "Flowers of Paradise", but I couldn't find a visual proof.
So if nobody objects, I will soon change the titles like this:
Main titles:
Love Is Grown with Flower
Pretty Girl
Flower Love
Flowers of Paradise
Couldn't find a source of the english title "Pretty Girl" or the current chinese title 紅粉情佳人, but there's a Mei Ah laserdisc with the title 紅粉俏佳人. I guess 俏 was confused with 情 and Pretty Girl sounds like a rough translation of that title.
The Taiwan title should be 芳草碧連天, according Taiwan poster and Golden Horse Arward information. It can be watched online and the on-screen title is "Love Is Grown with Flower". According Golden Horse website, the first english title might have been "Flowers of Paradise", but I couldn't find a visual proof.
So if nobody objects, I will soon change the titles like this:
Main titles:
Love Is Grown with Flower
Pretty Girl
Flower Love
Flowers of Paradise