Wong Kar Wai

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Wong Kar Wai

Postby cleope » Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:35 am

Hallo! This is my first message on this forum and I don't know how to begin...

My nick is Cleope and I'm an italian girl. I'm here because (even if my English is really bad :oops: ) I'm doing a thesis about Wong Kar Wai at the university and I'd like to know your opinions about him, having suggests and anything that can help me.
In Italy only his latest films are known, the first ones haven't even been distributed. I have watched all them (except Ashes of time, that is going to arrive by mail, on DVD) but now I want to know more about other Hong Kong movies and film directors, to compare them, to learn the whole story of Hong Kong cinema.

As I want to do a good work, my dream is to intewiew Wong Kar Wai, to see him face to face (it will remain a dream, probably :cry: ).

Do you know any organizations / museums / libraries in Hong Kong to apply to? I'd like to have indications about books or material (interwiews, articoles, revues...) and change opinions with you...

Thanks a lot. I hope to meet you better, starting speaking about our common interest for HK movies

Bye :)
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Postby chiangkamfan » Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:51 am

here is the filmography of wong kar wai

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Postby cleope » Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:58 pm

I already had the filmography... anyway thanks :)
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Postby bkasten » Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:28 pm


Welcome to HKMDB! It's nice to see such enthusiasm.

Please look around our database, and read the bios and reviews. Lots of good information.

Start with an accurate filmography:
http://hkmdb.com/db/people/view.mhtml?i ... ay_set=eng


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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:25 pm

As far as books and other materials on Hong Kong cinema go, there's a wealth of good info in this recent thread. MOST of the materials mentioned in this thread cover Wong Kar-wai in some shape or form, so they might be worth searching out for your thesis. A lot of them can be had quiet cheaply via Amazon. They are in English, of course, but will likely provide a solid foundation:


Direct links to some books mentioned in that thread:

The best book I've yet read on HK Cinema is David Bordwell's PLANET HONG KONG, which has lengthy chapters on Wong Kar-wai, as well as detailed examinations of the "construction" of Hong Kong films and how it differs significantly from that of the west. Just a fantastic, eye-opening book:






Also, the Hong Kong International Film Festival has published many great books on Hong Kong cinema. Their prices are good, but the shipping's petty steep. The thread above has links to many of them, though I'm not sure they all still work as I can no longer access the site. Perhaps it has a new address? Anyone?
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Postby Gaijin84 » Fri Mar 31, 2006 7:15 pm

There are also a few books available that focus on Wong Kar Wai in particular:

Wong Kar-wai (Contemporary Film Directors)

Wong Kar-Wai: Auteur of Time (BFI World Directors) by Stephen Teo

Wong Kar-Wai

hope these can be of help...
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Postby cleope » Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:12 pm

A big help! Thanks to all you.
I'm having a look and I'll try to find these books.

P.S: People in this forum look really very nice! :wink:
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:31 pm

P.S: People in this forum look really very nice!

A lot of people tell me I look good with a gun strapped to my leg. It's the dress that usually puts them off. :wink:
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Postby ewaffle » Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:21 am

Wong Kar-Wai: Auteur of Time (BFI World Directors) by Stephen Teo

I don't know why I have put it off, but I must get this book soon, if for no other reason than one chapter title which is:

"Chapter Eight: Betrayed by Maggie Cheung"

Very intriguing.

By the way, cleope, I think you will continue to find the members of this board, especially those who have been here the longest and who know the most, to be willing to help, very patient and extremely knowledgeable.
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Postby miss_modular » Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:42 pm

stephen teo's book is excellent, though a bit wordy for this dumbass :?
he also does an english commentary track on '2046' 2-disc special edition (region 4, released by madman/hopscotch)
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