... ay_set=eng
and ... ay_set=eng
The Robert Kerver ID has been in the database for a long time, in credits I found that: ... ay_set=eng
and as ROBER KERVEK (very likely wrong spelling) that: ... ay_set=eng ... ay_set=eng
The imdb has also a entry with role names (and date of death and death place) for Robert Kerver - but the entry is not very trustworthy because there are more films listed in which "our Robert Kerver" does not participate.
The name Tong Lung 唐龍 (listed as alt name/chinese name for Robert Kerver in the hkmdb) is listed in STORY OF THE DRAGON, SNUFF-BOTTLE CONNECTION and FISTS OF BRUCE LEE
and is therefore a very likely the name for "our Robert Kerver" (or for "Phil Cohen" who is according to the pictures in the hkmdb also in that three movies

Does anyone have proof that Tong Lung 唐龍 is for real the chinese name of Robert Kerver? That 2 images looks for me like the 2 names are separated listed: ... ay_set=eng ... ay_set=eng
I don't see any good evidence for the Robert Kerver ID at the moment because there are many not-chinese actors in STORY OF THE DRAGON, but maybe someone else knows more. I did no long online research.
This topic has probably been discussed in the forum before, but I didn't have the nerve to search for the old message (the search function is disabled).