Heroes Shed No Tears update + a few other Korean connections

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Heroes Shed No Tears update + a few other Korean connections

Postby J.J.Hayden » Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:12 pm

Happy New Year everyone

I had intended to add these updates over Xmas, but they got delayed my family stuff, then I was going to get them done before the new year, but I got into a super deep dive on some Korean research, so they got delayed again and have piled up :P So I've decided to merge the ones that don't really involve images together into one post.

I can't remember what I was doing that lead me onto the HKMDB page for Heroes Shed No Tears, but while there I noticed that there was two credits for Jang Il-shik. One for his usual name, and one for Jang Doo-hui. It's understandable that this wasn't spotted before, as he rarely used this name, in fact it seems even the KMDB is unaware of this, as they have separate pages for them :P

So I merged his two HKMDB pages together, while I was at it I also merged the pages of some other Korean actors that I'd previously noted had more than one page (some of them with both credits in the same film, weird :P): Ji Yoon-joo; Kim Choo-ryeon; and Kim Kwang-shik. Another weird one is the credit for Choe Ki-poong with Choe min-gyu (aka Martin Chui), in my notes I'd merged them ages ago, I guess I forgot to do the same on HKMDB :P

But I also noticed some other unusual names that seemed to have no other credits yet seemed familiar. Then it became clear that they were variations of some of the other actors names, maybe mixed up in the transliteration process, you get this quite often with the co-productions.

At first I was just going to update those few, but I ended up adding all the missing info, including the Hangul names for the cast and crew (IDs for a few crew), which helps avoid situations like this. I even added a few IDs for some of the crew, but unfortunately I couldn't ID any of the new Korean cast, in fact, some of them I am sure are transliterations of Chinese actors, but I've no idea who they could be, but the data could still help others trying to do ID's.

Here are the Heroes Shed No Tears additions:

Heroes Shed No Tears [1984] 구사일생

Dir - Oh Woo-sam (aka John Woo) aka 오우삼 Jon Woo 존 우

Im Keun-bo (aka Lam Ching-ying) 林根宝 in Heroes Shed No Tears [as Lt. Col. Nguyen] 임근보

Im Keun-bo (aka Lam Ching-ying) 林根寶 in The Dead And The Deadly

Ha Yo-shim (aka Eddy Ko) in Postman + Heroes Shed No Tears [as Jin Ho-geol] 하요심

Jang Doo-hui (aka Bruce Cheung) 장두희 Jang Doo-hee in Heroes Shed No Tears [as Na Il-ron] - I'd already added his real name and other info to his main page, but the pages hadn't been merged, maybe I forgot to check it myself --- [I've also merged the duplicate pages for a couple more: Ji Yoon-joo; Kim Choo-Ryeon ; and Kim Kwang-shik]

Lee Hye-sook (aka Lee Hae-sook) [needs Lee Hae-suk, 이해숙 , 이혜숙 , DOB 1949]

I couldn't identify Park Il-gwon, I have a suspicion who he might be but nothing more, and it seems it was his only film, so there's nothing to work with. [as So-gang] 박일권 (male)

Kim Ho-gon - 김호곤 13-Feb-1953 Daegu,SK

Jeon Wol-saeng (aka Chin yuet-sang) also AD [as Ro-cheon] 전월생

Joo Keum-gang (aka Chow Gam-kong) also AD [as Dinosaur] 주금강

Yoo Choo-saeng (aka Ka Lee) [as Iron Man] 유추생

Ban Moon-seok (aka Ban Moon-seop) SK TV actor DOB 1948 --- NO HKMDB 반문석

Seuk Wi-gang (not KOR) --- NO HKMDB 슥위강

세실 드 바일리 (aka Cecile Le Bailly)

필름 로프르도 (aka Phillip Loffredo)

Ra Ho-gye (not KOR) --- NO HKMDB 라호계

Script - 레오날드 호 (aka Leonard Ho)
Producer (Chief Production Officer) - Lee Woo-seok
Planning - Choe Oh-seok (only 2 credits, this and Tower Of Death) --- NO HKMDB 최오석
Choe O-seok / 崔五錫 (male)
Filming - Yang Hui-myung (aka Leung Hey-ming) 양희명
Lighting - Im So-yeong (only credit) --- NO HKMDB 임소영 (female)
Edit - Hyeon Dong-choon
Music - Deung So-rim (aka Tang Siu-lam) 등소림
Props - Ma Moon-joon (Ma Man-chun) 마문준 Ma Mun-jun
Sound (acoustic) - Recording - Kim Byung-soo - DOB 1939 pic
Sound (acoustic)-effects - Kim Jeong-il (only 5 films) --- NO HKMDB 김정일 (male)
Special effects - Yoo Han-jang (only credit prob not KOR)--- NO HKMDB 유한장 Yu Han-jang
Ass Dir - Hong Seong-bae - 홍성배 (male)
Phenomenon - 영화진흥공사 현상소 ( translation says Korean Film Council Photo Lab) aka KOFIC aka Korean Film Council --- NO HKMDB
Production Dept.-Production Department Manager - Hwang Yong-gap --- NO HKMDB 황용갑
Hwang Yong-gap / 黃龍甲 / 1937 pic
Production Department-Production Progress - Lee Kwon-seok - 이권석
李權錫 pic
Other Staff - Accounting - Lee Chang-man (unh only credit) --- NO HKMDB 이창만 (male)
Production Company - Dong-A Export Corporation (aka Dong-A Export) aka ㈜동아수출공사 [on HKMDB as Dong-A Exports Co. Ltd.]

Shin Wi-gyoon credited as co-director on Kor cut [신위균]

I also used this info to update Eddy Ko's (Ha Yo-shim) credit in Postman Strikes Back [1982] and Lam Ching-ying's (Im Keun-bo) credit in The Dead And The Deadly [1982].
Then I remembered to check up again on another film that had Korean names that bothered me back in the day, Return To the 36th Chamber [1980]. It's a good job I did, as now I'm a lot more confident when it comes to recognising Chinese names that are mutilated through Korean transliteration :P and I can now confirm that Jin Joo is actually King Lee King-chu and Jang Da-woo is Chiang Tao.

On a whim I added a few more bits to the page for Operation Scorpio [1992]: Korean titles; Korean poster; a few DVD covers etc.

And finally :P The other day while looking over something, I thought I might as well do an update Hyeon Joo's page with some basic info DOB, local, aliases etc.

Yes, a lot of messing about with little bits and pieces here and there, but it's always good to solve some mysteries. And with those kind of updates out of the way I can get back to focusing on some more satisfying projects now. :D
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Re: Heroes Shed No Tears update + a few other Korean connect

Postby leecoo » Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:37 am

Hi,J.J.Hayden. There is a lot of interest things for me about 'Heroes Shed No Tears'. Thanks for your works. :)
I've moved the Hangul alias '구사일생 (九死一生)' to the Big5 mode because it was set to the English mode and was garbled. It seems that if we want to edit a Hangul alias, we need to switch to Big5 mode. I first learned about this. :o
I recognised the credits from another edited version of the VHS (of less-than-ideal picture quality).
This did indeed have Role, 9 casts and 16 crews in Hangul. Edie Ko and Lam Ching-Ying were credited under their real names 何耀深 and 林根宝, respectively, in the Big 5. However, John Woo said in an interview that he used three Koreans who did not speak English.
Currently I think them mean Park Il-Gwon, Jang Il-Shik and Kim Ho-Gon. Park Il-Gwon may be as follows

??? 특수본 2011

Park Il-Gwon 朴日權 role:소강

Credit Images
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Re: Heroes Shed No Tears update + a few other Korean connect

Postby J.J.Hayden » Sat Jan 11, 2025 2:55 pm

Thanks for the kind words and I'm very glad the new info was of interest to you. Thank you as well for moving the Hangul title to the Big5 page, I had so much going on that I forgot about that little technical quirk :P thanks for your help. :D

You're lucky to have seen a rare version. I wonder if there's a Thai print that could make things clearer.

That is very interesting that John Woo mentioned using three Koreans, as it gives more weight to my suspicion about who Park Il-gwon could be, which it seems we are of the same mind, I too think the evidence points towards Park being the big guy :D But rather than Kim Ho-gon, I think the three Koreans Woo's referring to are most likely Lee Hye-sook, Jang Il-shik and probably Park Il-gwon (presuming Park is the big guy), as these actors play prominent roles in the film, whereas Kim Ho-gon and Ban Moon-seop have minor roles.

The name Park Il-gwon is pretty high up in the cast list and this big guy does seem to be the only prominent cast member who's not been recognised or named as a Chinese actor. It is possible he's Thai, but I think there is much more likelihood that he is our missing Korean.

I wonder, did John Woo mention anything about Thai cast members? As I don't notice any Thais with prominent roles in the film at all. This could put more weight towards the big guy being Park Il-gwon.

One thing that does work against the big guy ID, is that I did listen hard to the Chinese audio and near the end of the film, Eddy Ko calls this guy Dai Gau (Big Dog), which doesn't seem to match "So-gang" even in meaning. This doesn't rule it out though as the name could have been changed, just makes it less likely than I'm happy with.

I'd be nice to see the full Korean cut, the KMDB has it available as VOD, but you need to sign in using real form of ID (passport, driving licence etc.), which I don't do, so sadly I'm stuck there.

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