Third Son of Dragon King [1977] - update

Additions and modifications to the database

Third Son of Dragon King [1977] - update

Postby J.J.Hayden » Fri Jun 09, 2023 7:04 pm

Another one!!! I ended up going other the whole thing again :P

Updated all the cast+crew involved including some first ID's and creating pages for new people to the HKMDB. I also merged two Kim Jeong-ran's pages, the only credit on the 2nd page was for Betrayer which is the same actress just with a slightly different Hanja (you get that sometimes), that has now been set as an alias.

I did run into an issue though with the two (presumably) Taiwanese cast members Tian Long (5) and Xi Guan-qun, I couldn't find any matches for them. It could be that the Hanja used is incorrect, even on some posters the Hanja for Tian Long (5) is written 王龍 , but on others 天龍 which I believe is the correct one as on the Korean cut (which I was using) 텐륭 Ten Ryung which doesn't fit any real Hanja but makes sense as a way of spelling Tian (or Tin). It's certainly not Wang Ryong the Korean martial arts actor/director. I think it might be the guy in black with a black beard who turns into the green monster, he doesn't look Korean, but I don't have anything strong to go on. Does anyone recognise him?

It could be that the two names are for the people in the monster costumes, or maybe they're actors that don't even appear on the Korean print at all but just left their names on there. Anyway, I'm stuck with it, any help would be appreciated.


To see IDs please go to "Third Son Of Dragon King - IDs" in the Actor Identification section.
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Re: Third Son of Dragon King [1977] - update

Postby J.J.Hayden » Tue Jan 21, 2025 7:50 pm

I had been meaning to upload these redos for The Secret Rivals and Third Son Of Dragon King for a while, but other things were prioritised. Got there in the end though :P . Re-done my pics with slightly higher quality and lightened them in some cases, cut down some images so they make neater portraits and added a few more for a couple of cast members.

I also added Tian Long (5) as a Martial Arts Director for The Wonderman From Shaolin [1977], I had held off for a while as I wanted to double-check him possibly acting in the film too, but I believe the suspected actor in the film is someone else.
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