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Chinese Erotic Ghost Story (1998) lost the actress Jane Chun

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 1:27 pm
by bensonxu
Jane Chung Chun(鍾真)is one of this movie's main cast, but can't found in this page.
In IMDB's page: ,her character is Chu Han Li, and in HKMDB's page, Chu Han Li's cast is Christine Hung Hiu-Wan(洪曉芸), and I check the movie again, both Christine Hung Hiu-Wan and Jane Chung Chun in the cast list when the movie start, so can we check it again?

Re: Chinese Erotic Ghost Story (1998) lost the actress Jane

PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:36 pm
by Michael Kistner
I don't have the movie to check the role names but I added Jane Chung now to the cast list.

Another page with role names: ... A%E9%BD%8B