I'll merge soon Chen Chiu-Yen and Wa Luen and Chen Hsiang-Lan and Hsiao Yen if no one objects.
That is what "Teddy Wong" wrote about that matter:
4.Chen Chiu-Yen (陳秋燕) - https://hkmdb.com/db/people/view.mhtml? ... ay_set=eng
Wa Luen (華戀) - https://hkmdb.com/db/people/view.mhtml? ... ay_set=eng
Chen Hsiang-Lan (陳香蘭) - https://hkmdb.com/db/people/view.mhtml? ... ay_set=eng
and Hsiao Yen (小燕) - https://hkmdb.com/db/people/view.mhtml? ... ay_set=eng
are all the same person!
4.1) In the case of 華戀 (Wa Luen) there are enough screencaps on HKMDB to see that she is the same as Chen Chiu-Yen. It seems that she used the name 華戀 for a short period of 1970-1972.
4.2) In the case of 陳香蘭 (Chen Hsiang-Lan) - she has 2 movie credits on HKMDB:
- "The Wedding of Chung Kuei's Sister" - there is a portrait gallery, and the whole 2nd row is portraits of Chen Chiu-Yen. In the cast on HKMDB both names are listed - Chen Chiu-Yen and Chen Hsiang-Lan, but I checked the movie itself - only the name 陳香蘭 (Chen Hsiang-Lan) appears in credits. So probably somebody on HKMDB identified Chen Chiu-Yen by himself and added to the cast list by her normal name.
- "Flowers in a Rainy Night" - the movie is available on YouTube, you can see Chen Chiu-Yen starting from the 21st minute - https://youtu.be/5rDWM5sqS78?t=1273
4.3) The case of 小燕 (Hsiao Yen) is the most complicated, because 小燕 is not a proper full name, and it can be anybody with the character 燕 in her/his name.
But! It is known, that Chen Chiu-Yen started as a child actress (she is the daughter of 2 actors), and she was known back then as 小燕.
I checked these Hsiao Yen's movies as much as I could, and basically what would I do is: 1-remove "Hsiao Yen's" tag from all the pictures that are attributed to this person; 2-all the movies, except "Fang Shiyu's Three Attacks on Emperor Qianlong" (1958), move to Chen Chiu-Yen.
The more detailed explanations below:
4.3.1) The portraits tagged to Hsiao Yen are from "Gu Nu Ling Po" (1964). If you go to the portrait gallery - https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/images.mhtm ... ay_set=eng
you can see, that the real Hsiao Yen (Chen Chiu-Yen) is in the movie - all the 2nd row are portraits of hers (tagged as Hsiao Chuan), so the ID of Hsiao Yen in this movie is wrong. And this is indeed Chen Chiu-Yen's movie.
4.3.2) In "Stone flower" (1957) there a still photo from the movie (that is taken from TFAI) that shows Chen Chiu-Yen as a kid - https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/image_detai ... ay_set=eng
it is also tagged as Chen Chiu-Yen, and both names 小燕 (Hsiao Yen) and 陳秋燕 (Chen Chiu-Yen) are listed on HKMDB as actors, but if you check the newspaper ad (here in better quality - https://tfai.openmuseum.tw/muse/digi_ob ... 744582d4e0 )
you can see, that it shows all the names from HKMDB list except 陳秋燕. Because she's already listed as 小燕.
4.3.3) In "Xiao Yan Liu Liang Ji" (1958) - https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml? ... ay_set=eng
on HKMDB both names 小燕 (Hsiao Yen) and 陳秋燕 (Chen Chiu-Yen) are listed again, and the editor was confused, which one of them played the role of 李小燕 (Li Hsiao-Yen). Both of them, because they are the same person )))
4.3.4+5) Here I found a video dedicated to Chen Chiu-Yen made by TFAI - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHarKoz ... A6%8FWONFU
It mentions that Chen Chiu-Yen as a kid (as 小燕) acted in the movies "雨夜花" - https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml? ... ay_set=eng
and "破網補情天" - https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml? ... ay_set=eng
That means Hsiao Yen in those 2 is also Chen Chiu-Yen.
4.3.6+7+8) The video also says that Chen Chiu-Yen (Hsiao Yen) often played a daughter of 田清 (Tien Ching - her real father) and 小雪 (Hsiao Hsueh).
So according to the cast, Hsiao Yen is also Chen Chiu-Yen in this movie:
- "When Will the Flower Bloom Again?" (1957) - https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml? ... ay_set=eng
And probably in those 2, co-starred with her father Tien Ching only:
- "Female Thief" (1958) - https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml? ... ay_set=eng
- "Du Guo Chou Cheng" (1963) - https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml? ... ay_set=eng
The video also shows shots from the movie titled "正宗雨夜花", but I can't find any data about this movie even on their (TFAI) website. The only place - is Taiwan cinema database, but their entry is so poor, that maybe they took it from that video. And also they are known to have many mistakes.
If you search for "正宗雨夜花" on TFAI website, it finds you the trailer for the original "雨夜花" 1956 movie, and "正宗雨夜花" is written on-screen. So I don't know yet if "正宗雨夜花" is a different movie or the same one.
4.3.9) In "The West Chamber" (1963) - https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml? ... ay_set=eng
in HKMDB entry both names 小燕 (Hsiao Yen) and 陳秋燕 (Chen Chiu-Yen) are listed, and in Chinese display, there are some roles - there is a role for (identified) 陳秋燕, but no role for (unidentified?) 小燕.
And if you go to the newspaper ad - https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/image_detai ... y_set=big5
again - 小燕 is listed, and 陳秋燕 (who's first billed on HKMDB) - not.
So here 小燕 is 陳秋燕 as well.
4.3.10) In "Woman Spy" (1964) - https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/images.mhtm ... ay_set=eng
there are already images of Chen Chiu-Yen, and again only 小燕 is listed on newspaper ad.
4.3.11) Speaking of "Fang Shiyu's Three Attacks on Emperor Qianlong" (1958) - https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml? ... ay_set=eng
this movie is available on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHRCLLr ... 7%E5%8F%B0
I did a brief check, didn't see Chen Chiu-Yen. Frankly speaking I'm too lazy to check this, also because 小燕 is credited almost in the end. This is a Hong Kong movie, with Hong Kong cast, so I think, that probably 小燕 in this movie is NOT Chen Chiu-Yen.
4.3.12+13) What's left is "Wanted Criminal Woman" (1964) and "Ai Chai-Choi Takes a Wife" (1964).
I can't find anything particular about those 2 movies. But as most Chen Chiu-Yen's "小燕" movies - both are Taiwanese, Hokkien language and from the same years. So I think that probably 小燕 in those 2 is also Chen Chiu-Yen.
Also, both of them appear in Chen Chiu-Yen's filmography on Wikipedia - https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E9%99%B ... B%E7%87%95 That filmography is not complete, and I don't know how accurate it is, but still - an additional data source.
So, overall, the only movie from that Hsiao Yen's page, that is not Chen Chiu-Yen is "Fang Shiyu's Three Attacks on Emperor Qianlong". All the others - should be moved to Chen Chiu-Yen's filmography.