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橫衝直撞七色狼 (1970)
Lucky Seven Strike Again

Reviewed by: dleedlee
Date: 02/02/2004

An entertaining follow up to the original film. A beavy of supporting actors get their own vehicle again in this humorous romp.

Cheng Kwun Min lives in a flat with his wife Lee Heung Kam and daughter Lydia Shum. Above them, on the roof, living in wooden shacks are six buddies: Tam Bing Man, Chow Kat, Yu Ming, Ko Lo-Chuen, Sai Gwa Pau and Do Ping(?). Cheng Kwun Min's character hires Mona (Tina Ti Na) to break up their fellowship so they will move away.

Like the first film, the "boys" all try to bed Mona, except for the righteous Bing.

Besides the intro, there are three songs, one sung by Lydia Shum, a duet by Ti Na and Tam Bing Man, and one by Cheng Kwun Min. There's also quite an extensive use of synthesized music as incidental music including the Beatle's Blackbird, the Fifth Dimension's Age of Aquarius, and a quite lengthy take of Booker T and the MG's Time is Tight that segues into something that sounds like P-Funk or Sun Ra's Space Arkestra.
One nude scene towards the film's end seems to be cut from the video as there is a discernible and awkward jump in the scene where Tam Bing Man confronts Ti Na. Possibly another is cut during the English class scene where Ti Na serves as a teacher's "visual aid" so the all-male class can learn the phrase, "Miss Mona is taking off her dress".

It should also be noted that this and the original Lucky Seven film are in glorious widescreen formats.

Reviewer Score: 6