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拳形五摩達 (1979)
Treasure of Bruce Le

Reviewed by: Gaijin84
Date: 04/16/2012
Summary: Promising start, spliced in problems...

Treasure of Bruce Le (or alternatively Lee) is a movie that starts out promising enough, but quickly falls apart and ends up in the dust bin with the rest of mediocre kung fu films. Master Chen has four pupils, each of which he has taught a different style of kung fu based on their abilities. Wong Ching-Lung (Bruce Le) is taught Dragon Style, Cha Ya-Fan (Kong Do) Panther Style, Chan Yo-Lung (Nick Cheung) Tiger Style and Cheh Chi-Chu knows Crane Style. The secret book of Chinese Kung Fu styles is kept safe by the master, knowing that a group of Japanese led by a conniving woman is after it in order to train their armies. The master decides that a contest between his four students will determine whom the book is handed down to and who will guard it for their remaining days. Unfortunately, Cha Ya-Fan turns out to be working for the Japanese, and he turns the other students against each other and steals what he thinks is the book. It turns out to be a fake, and Wong Ching-Lung escapes with the real manual to the mountains to learn from Uncle Fang Yi-Lan (Chan Sing). Cha Ya-Fan eventually catches up and Ching-Lung battles him and his Japanese cronies.

I’m usually used to cut & paste films involving Richard Harrison or some other European actor being spliced into a seemingly unrelated little known Taiwanese or South Korean film. This time however, Joseph Velasco splices his Hong Kong footage (or possibly Taiwanese) with the entire ending to James Nam’s “Bruce and Shaolin Kung Fu” film. Once Bruce Le escapes to the mountains, an evident switch is made, with Bruce’s hairstyle changing and film stock being completely different. Velasco uses the existing scenes and changes the context and to drag the story along, kicking and screaming. Characters that have had no bearing on the film appear out of nowhere, like Bolo Yeung as a Japanese fighter or James Nam as a random guy that decides he has to fight Kong Do and his group of thugs These scenes make somewhat sense in their original film, but here they simply muddle up these proceedings and don’t add anything but confusion. To complete the movie, Bruce and Kong Do are switched back to the original film and have one last battle before the closing credits mercifully end the torture. What starts out as a somewhat promising movie with a fair bit of quality kung fu forms and training ends with a splat as the plot and fights veer off course. Not recommended unless you enjoy 10 minutes of Bruce Le punching coconuts or Chan Sing training with Bruce in mountainous vistas.

Reviewer Score: 3