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魏孔生  ♂
Wei Hung-Sheng

Darkest Sword (1970)

Darkest Sword (1970)

The Mighty One (1971)

A Story of "Lou Bo-Wen" (1971)

Duel with Devil (1971)
Spanish lobby card (most probably re-release)
Duel with Devil (1971)

Chinese Boxing (1972)

Hurricane (1973)

Lightning of Bruce Lee (1973)

Dragon, Tiger and Phoenix (1974)

Tiger Jungle (1974)

Duel at Forest (1974)

The Furious Monk from Shaolin (1974)

Shaolin Kung Fu (1974)

The New Game of Death (1975)

Judicial Sword (1975)

Dragon Kid (1975)

The Chivalry, the Gunman and Killer (1977)
Character: Hui Kuo, Shaolin Monk
The Jade Hairpin Alliance (1980)

Braveful Police (1990)