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王冠雄  ♂
Wang Kuan-Hsiung

Chaochow Guy (1972)

The Flying Tiger (1973)

Adventure at Shaolin (1976)

One Arm Chivalry Fights Against One Arm Chivalry (1977)

The Swift Shaolin Boxer (1978)

The Third Sword (1978)

The Green Jade Statuette (1978)

Shaolin Kung Fu Master (1978)

Big Land Flying Eagles (1978)

Cute Foster Sister (1979)

Marvelous Stunts of Kung Fu (1979)

Shaolin Heroes (1979)

Devil Killer (1981)

Diamond Fight (1981)

Play Con Game (1981)

Shanghai Massacre (1981)

The King of Gambler (1981)

A Sword Named Revenge (1981)

The Casino (1981)

Big Boss (1981)

Breaking Through the Black Whirl (1982)

Dirty Angel (1982)

The First Exposure (1982)

Sweet Vengeance (1982)

The Switch (1982)

Yellow Skin (1985)